Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sabbatical from Pilgrim Pals

Dear Pilgrim Pals:

The last few weeks have been busy or even hectic but, then again, when hasn't my life been a little bit crazy. I haven't posted here on Pals for several weeks but I've been checking your posts from time to time. Be assured of my ongoing support and prayers.

Beginning today, March 25th, I'm going to take a sabbatical from Pilgrim Pals for 40 days. Basically it's a "fast" from my Facebook entries and from Pilgrim Pals. I will concentrate my efforts on the Pilgrim Scribblings blog and the resurrection of The Barnabas Blog which I have brought out of the mothballs. Also I will post on my George Muller blog from time to time.

I'm fully confident that all of the Pals (that's YOU) will carry on very well in my absence. Terry, I'm asking you to take over from me. Of course each of you will do what you can to carry on this vital ministry of prayer and encouragement. THANKS!

Please visit me at Pilgrim Scribblings and The Barnabas Blog.

Much love in Christ,

David, the Pilgrim

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