Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
I had an appointment today at my bank regarding a small Mutual Fund that I have had for the last four years. I, like many other people, have taken a major cut on investments over the last few months: I'm not one to take risks financially so I wanted to be sure that I could pull out my contributions to the fund before I lost a significant amount. As I left my appointment I couldn't help but think that in the midst of this crazy economic crisis (that's impacting the entire world), I am so thankful that we have a Savior that NEVER changes...a Savior who remains as faithful when the stocks crash as He is when they are soaring, a Savior whose promises are true...and a Savior we can have TOTAL CONFIDENCE in!!!
So many people place their trust...their security...their hope in the things of this world. Whether it's in finances, status and position, relationships, etc., they are placing their trust in things that can change, things that can be shaken, things that can fall apart. I'm so thankful, that we can place our trust in the name of the LORD...that we can live in joy and have perfect peace in knowing that our trust in HIM is stable and sure, regardless of what is going on in the world around us!! We can be certain that He is who He says He is!!!
Psalm 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.


Felisol said...

Trust is the key word when walking in the dark.
Trust that He will find the way, where I can see none.
Thank you for a good word spoken in the right time.
From Felisol

Terry said...

Dear Kelley, I really do feel for you
Bernie's retirement pension went down 60,000 dollars and the funny thing is, your post says it all.
We are not even worried because after all our times are in His hands, eh?
And He owns the cattle on the thousand hills!
Nice to see you in here again

Love Terry