Many of you have asked various and sundry questions about the goings on in the Pilgrim's life lately (that's me with Pat Daley of the Peterborough Petes in the photo). I thought it would be prudent to update you on a few things. In no particular order, here are some of the things that are happening:
Our move to our "other" home will take place between June 2nd and 16th. We get possession on the 2nd but don't need to vacate our present location until the 16th. That gives us a two week cushion and will eliminate a lot of rushing around. There will be enough stress as it is but we are actually looking forward to the move now.
The book that so many have asked about is already written for the most part. It just needs to be edited and formatted with some final touches added. Much of the content has been published in one form or another over at Pilgrim Scribblings. The book will be an account of God's faithfulness over the years and I will relate many of the lifestories that helped shape me. It will have poems which I have written between each chapter. The main title, TAKING THE BUMPY ROAD HOME, is the result of a request that our son Nathan used to make of me before they paved one of the roads leading to our home. He would often ask, "can we take the bumpy road home?". Of course the application is that "my" road "home" has been anything but smooth but God has been at the helm for most of the journey.
I'm still grieving the fact that the Ottawa Senators made an early exit from the Stanley Cup playoffs. What may have happened had Mike Fisher been healthy? Guess we'll never know.
Our granddaughter Victoria is going on a Missions Trip to Belize with a group of young people from our church in late August. The church has been doing various fund raising events for the trip. Last Saturday we held a garage sale at my mother's home and raised over $1,000.00 for the trip. We'll do it again this Saturday morning, Lord willing.
This will be a busy Sunday for me. I'll be speaking at a church in Toronto in the morning then rushing back to speak at a local retirement residence at 2:00 p.m. Each month I speak on the 1st Thursday at one residence and then the 1st Sunday at another. It's rewarding for me and the "old folks" seem to enjoy our times together.
We continue to trust God to provide for the financial needs of Epistle Sports Ministries. Writing cards and letters of encouragement to athletes is the primary calling of God on my life and "when I write I feel His pleasure."
My work with Christian Horizons continues to occupy me 28 hours each week. For most of that time I'm sleeping. I'm now at a new home in Peterborough where there are presently four individuals that we care for.
Well that's about it for now, my pals. Thanks for your prayers and let's keep lifting each other up before the Father, who loves us passionately.
In His embrace,
~ David, the Pilgrim