Let's Get to the HEART of the Matter
ATTENTION: Late-Breaking News Bulletin from our Prayer Warrior, Donna. We have much to praise God for.
Donna writes:
Hey Pals.....Just one last note before I sign off....Terry called earlier this evening and said Betty came through her surgery just fine....they only had to do a double....not a triple....Praise the Lord....thank you all for praying for her....and please continue to pray for my sis.....
What's going on with the PILGRIM PALS and our sisters? Seems like having heart problems is the "in" thing. If you ask me, it's a scary experience. I was supposed to have my stress test and my echo cardiogram tomorrow morning but my doctor suggested that I postpone the stress test for two weeks. So it's just the "echo" tomorrow.
Please keep Terry's sister Betty and Donna's sister in your prayers.
Dear Pilgrim David,
we will continue praying for you, for Betty and for Donna's sister.
We'll also remind the Lord about the families to those concerned.
When one limb is aching the whole body is suffering.
I am looking forward to many miracle news in the days to come.
PS. Renae's father is having a biopsy tomorrow. Pray that everything will turn out fine with him.
My hiker-friend is in for her fourth surgery removing gall stones. This has been a long and troublesome spring and summer for her. Please pray that she's now being healed.
Daughter Serina is on her second antibiotics cure since she left home not a month ago.
I trust the Pilgrim Pals to remember her as well.
Felisol on the far side of the sea is telling you all good night and God bless.
that 's great news bout Betty !
Thankyou Donna and David for the update
Lost my last post...lost my internet connection...bah!
THankful for the good reports on Betty and Donna's sis. Sounds like the Lord took very good care of them throughout surgery. Praying for a full recovery...
David, having heart problems is not the "in" thing! It's just that at our age, we require more maintenance!:-) Praying for you...keep us posted on your progress.
PS: I hope everybody here is getting their lipid panels checked. My cholesterol is up, but I'm working on getting it lower.
Felisol, I'm praying for Renae's father, and for your hiker friend. {{hugs}}
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