Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Morning and Evening

The following thoughts were posted on Pilgrim Scribblings this morning:

This morning Psalm 141 caught my attention. Our first thoughts upon rising should be heavenward, a prayer of thanksgiving and commitment to the Father. Why wait until the cares of the day have distracted us? We petition God, "hasten to me". We should rush to Him at the beginning of a new day invoking His strength and presence as we embark on another adventure.

As I child I remember hearing the question posed, "Do the members of an orchestra tune their instruments after a concert or before?" Of course we know the answer. In the same way, we should be in touch with the Giver of Life as we begin the day rather than waiting until we fall into bed exhausted at day's end.

So, we begin our day in prayer, which God counts as precious incense, pleasing to Him. Hours later after a full day we raise our hands (figuratively or actually depending on our preference) in praise and thanksgiving as our evening sacrifice.

Will we offer our sovereign God the incense and sacrifice due to His name today?

A Psalm of David

"O LORD, I call upon you; hasten to me! Give ear to my voice when I call to you! Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice! Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!

But my eyes are toward you, O GOD, my Lord; in you I seek refuge..." - Psalm 141:1-3,8(a) (ESV)

1 comment:

Felisol said...

Dear Pilgrim,
thanks for the Psalm 141.
It's huge!
I am afraid the Lord still has a lot of tuning to do to get me ready for Heaven.
Looking forward to join in with the Hallelujah choir though.
From Felisol