Passing-thru will be taking a rest for the next while.
He will be taking his sweetheart for a little holiday so I guess I will step up to bat and list all of the prayer requests although I am not so good at it!
First of all we haven't heard how our Heather is doing but we will pray for her.
Remember Arlene and the new welcome addition to her family, Baby Hydsyn.
Pilot-mom and dad as he is recovering from an infection;
David and Carol as they go about selling their home and as they both have health issues;
Our own Little Missionary,Julie as she prepares to go to Mexico;
Minerva and Ronnie, Marisa and Hebrew's dad;
Serina, Gunnar,Felisol in their different illnesses and for their friend, Liv who's husband went to heaven;
Saija and her Leo... Leo that he will have less pain and that he will be able to sleep at night;
Vicki's husband with his heart problems and also for her little sister who is starting a new part in her life.
Pray for Donna's daughter as she lives for the Lord and raises her little baby, Vera;
And for all the different people that need the salvation of the Lord; Todd, Deb. Pilot-dad's friend T.,Dad Golden, all of Lil Pilgrim's connections;
And for Passing-thru's friend Margaret who lives in a nursing home and needs to be saved.
Finally remember our Passing-thru Bob and Joanne as they go for a little holiday that they will be refreshed and pray for their safety on the highways.
Good night dear Pilgrim Pals and forgive me if I have left anybody out.
Where is Passing-thru and the Little Pilgrim when we need them?!...
Last comment made me smile -
Your the best encourager and your the type that cries silently -- your a "softie" Terry -- lol
Yes your right Terry on the "many" needs -- but it has "always" been that way -- I think its important that we "see" our glasses as half filled and not as half empty --
U DID A GREAT JOB ON THE PRAYER NEEDS -- thats a job for any of the pals to do -- All of "these" pals have been a blessing to me and others --
My grandaughter and daughter came into visit Margaret -- she perked up and it made her day seeing a little girl in her presence --
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