Sunday, March 2, 2008

Passover Lamb

A poem dedicated to my friend Todd, and to all who do not know the love God extends through His Son, Jesus.

Passover Lamb

I once was blind,
But now I see,
Someone loved and prayed for me.

He took a risk,
And shared a word,
Something I had never heard.

He sowed a seed in my heart,
With fear and trembling deep inside,
And spoke of love so great and wide.

He told me of Jewish slaves,
In ancient days on Passover night,
When fear and death took to flight.

Silently our Passover Lamb,
In the court of His garment was stripped,
For hours the soldiers continually whipped.

Love revealed in our Passover Lamb,
Who hung and died upon a tree,
It was the sacrifice that sets us free.

Christ who willingly took up His Cross,
Who walked the road of pain and strife,
His side cut open with a solders knife.

Six inch nails pierced His flesh,
Did you know? He thought of you as He hung and bled,
A crown of thorns upon His head.

This was His mission from His Father,
And He groaned a prayer as He saw your face,
He gave up His life for the whole human race.

It was His plan all along,
And it did not take Him by surprise,
When men looked on and despised.

But this story does not end with death,
No, this One Rose and conquered all,
He sends out friends with a triumphant call.

Looking for the lost sheep,
Search and rescue is our mission,
Jesus’ kids are gone fishin’!

I once was blind,
And now I see,
The One who died to rescue me!

Julie (Little Missionary)


Terry said...

Beautiful Little Missiony Julie!
Do you see why we all love you and admire you?...Love Terry

Julie (Little Missionary) said...

Thanks Terry....sometimes I don't see my value at all or that I am actually lovable...then I look at the Cross and I see myself through Jesus' eyes.

I love you too!
Julie (LM)

Felisol said...

Dear Julie, LM,
You are lovable indeed.
I didn't know you were a poet as well.
Your poem shows that pearls always grow from pain.
(But pain do not always result in such deep felt verses as those you have made.)
From Felisol