Saturday, May 31, 2008

From Kimberly....Erin's Mommy

SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2008 03:17 PM, CDT

As I sit here typing, tears are streaming down my face as I look at the picture of my baby girl! It hurts so bad that she is gone! My heart aches and I feel physical, mental, and emotional pain and anguish as I miss her. But, I remind myself that I need not to be selfish and want her here for me. She is in paradise with her Lord and Savior! We will meet again soon! This has been the longest 3 and half months in my 39 yrs of life. Sometimes it just seems like yesterday that all of this happened and sometimes it feels like an eternity. At other times, I keep wanting to wake up from a bad nightmare. This is reality and I want to take another opportunity to thank my Almighty God for his goodness! As we continue with our day to day lives God continues to provide in every way possible. Erin's testimony continues to touch others and bring them to Christ, Chris has grown so much in his Spiritual life, and so have I. There have been so many super things happen because of my baby and her walk with Christ! I want to continue to give him PRAISE! I want to thank Him once again for sending such AWESOME support into our lives. There are so many people that continue to reach out to us and pray for us. Thank you can never express the gratitude in our hearts, yet it is all I know to say! Thank you to my Lord and Savior to all of the people he continues to use as his arms and feet as you reach out to and support us. It is great to be standing somewhere and some one ask me, "Aren't you Erin Page's mom?" It brings both joy and grief to my heart to say "YES I AM!" Then people begin to tell me wonderful stories about Erin and how she has touched yet another life! WOW! Just WOW! Please continue to pray for us and leave us comments and stories. We want to know what works our angel keeps performing. I pray for each of each day and pray God's blessings on you for your wonderful love and support!

Kimberly Malone (Erin's Mommy)

Good Words From Amrita

On Monday we did not have electricity for 5 hours, but it rained , so it was bearable.Sonia and I went shopping in the rain.Yesterday we did not have electricity for 8 hours.I was sick by the end of it.The heat fries your brain.And when we can 't run our water pump our tank is depleted.But I comfort myself by saying I am not the only one going through this -millions of my compatriots are reeling under the blow.Suffering means - I am a card carrying member of the human club.Maybe I 've got a gold card membership.I wanted Sonia to stay longer but her hubby phoned her yesterday saying he is planning a holiday in Ludhiana (the Punjab) and Simla (hill resort), so she will leave a few days earlier.Sometimes I wish for get a few days off where I don 't want to be responsible for anything - that will be my holiday. Just switch off my body and brain for a while - is that possible above the ground?But I will hold on to the words from the Bible - Do not be weary in well doing for you will get your reward in due time. And Jesus said;In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.The second WORD is specially for when there is no electricity and water and the heats killing you.P.S. Premission granted to use this as a sermon illustration. LOL

Friday, May 30, 2008

I Didn't Win

This morning Tim Challies (pictured) announced the winners of his May Giveaway. I wasn't one of them. So sad!

Tim writes:

May Giveaway Winners

This morning I sent out an email announcing the winners of the May giveaway. The following three people have won the Monergism Books gift certificates (and will need to send me an email to claim them!):

Rick Aldrich
Mike Driskill
Christa Allan

Finding a Woman's Heart

The following quote appears on Ruth Leah's blog which I recently added to the list of blogs on the right hand column of Pilgrim Pals. That's Ruth in the picture.

Several of us have been in touch with Ruth Leah (or just Ruth). Why not visit her blog and offer encouragement and blessing to our sister in Christ.

Here's that excellent quote:

"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her." - Author Unknown

The Color Blue In A Bad Way!

This beautiful girl in the picture is Felisol's and Gunnars daughter and I am hoping that all of the Pilgrim Pals will congratulate her on her graduation...

Felisol explains...

"May tenth was last day of school for the media students. Here's Serina's class of journalist and photo students.Where is our daughter? Well, there's always one of these teachers who has to steal the spotlight from her students. Serina's hidden behind the broad, blue back."

Yeh? Well Serina's pretty face is not hidden NOW!!!
Broad blue back or not!
For sure and it seems that she is the head of her class!!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Without asking for her permission, I've posted a portion of Laura Mae's most recent post from her A Perfecting Love blog. I'm sure she won't mind. After all, she's one of us...a Pilgrim Pal. Thanks, Laura.

She writes:

As I drove home this afternoon, I was mentally listing persons, places, things etc. that I am just amazed and grateful to God for providing for me!
  • Salvation in Christ

  • For God choosing me and giving me a hope and a purpose

  • Being born into a Christian Family

  • Godly parents who instilled in me, by example, love, charity, generosity, the importance of Christian fellowship and attending church services regularly

  • Godly paternal Grandparents who lead a Christ-centred home for my Dad and his six siblings

  • The opportunity to attend a Christian elementary school

  • Sunday School teachers who broke down God's Word and drilled Memory Verses into my head

  • For protection in dangerous situations I found myself in due to my own sin

  • For many, many second chances

  • For the opportunity to serve at Christian camps in my teen years, for the friendships made and the mentorship I received during that time

  • For the many 'older & wiser' Christians I know who are able to encourage by sharing their life experiences that prove God's faithfulness to them

  • For leading me to a network of Christian Bloggers

  • For being able to look back at the highs, lows and heartaches of my Christian walk and see now how they were all necessary to help mold me into who I am today and who I am going to be ten years from now

Thank you God for loving me and holding me in the palm of your hand!


Great Giveaway

May Giveaway

Each month my friend and blogger extraordinaire, Tim Challies, offers an incredible giveaway. This month is no exception! Check it out here and enter today. Click on the logo above. Please use my referral code as well. Thanks!

Be sure to check out Tim's blog. He posts every day and hasn't missed a day for years. It's always worth the visit.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My friend Maureen

Thought I'd give you all an update on my friend who is battling her 3rd bout of cancer. Maureen has had ovarian cancer (about 6 years ago) and survived that - barely, then last year - cancer in her bowel, for which she had surgery. Now it is back and has spread to her liver. The chemo is no longer working. She met with her doctor this week - there is nothing else that can be done. Maureen is very much a woman of God and is accepting that she will be with the Lord before this year is done. However, that doesn't make it totally easy for her - she has two daughters, both married with young children of their own. Maureen is functioning pretty well currently but without a direct physical healing from God she will likely be in palliative care by summer's end. Please remember her and her family in your prayers. I am still praying for the cancer to stop and be gone in Jesus' Name!

Julie (Little Missionary)

Ouch !!!

Dear Pals:

This afternoon my friend and I emptied out the two storage units Carol and I were renting and moved two truckloads of "stuff" to my mother's garage.

I didn't realize how taxing this would be on my body. This 62 year old isn't what he used to be. I could barely move by the time I got home.

I've showered and now I'm almost ready to leave for my job at Christian Horizons.

Please pray for an extra supply of God's strength as we begin moving in earnest after next Monday's closing date. Pray for strong-bodied men who will be able to pitch in and help.

I'm exhausted but "they that wait on the Lord will renew their strength." Thank You, Father!

~ David, the weary pilgrim

When the Light Breaks Through

This incredible picture appears on Lisa J's blog, Thoughts from the Teahouse, and I had to bring it over here to Pilgrim Pals. What a photo!

How can anyone question the existence of a Creator who spoke these things into being?

The beauty that surrounds us should be a constant reminder that an Intelligent Designer created the world in which we live and the galaxies which declare His glory!

When the realization that there is a God and that He provided for our redemption through His Son Jesus Christ finally breaks through...

...our lives are never the same again. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Congratulations Pilot-Mom & Pilot-Dad!

Oh! There are tons of more pictures Pilgrims over at the Pilots blog!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Mailbox Miracles

Dear Pilgrim Pals:

I've posted the following account here because I know you pray for me and care about our well-being. Carol and I are experiencing a lot of stress as we approach our big move. God will give us strength and will graciously provide His peace as we go through this gut-wrenching experience. In the midst of all that's going on, a faithful, changeless heavenly Father provides in marvelous ways and we praise Him for that. Thanks for your prayers over the next few weeks. We appreciate each of you so very much!

Much love in Christ,

~ David, the Pilgrim

Here's that post which previously appeared over at Pilgrim Scribblings.

Unfortunately the mail box at my office often seems to be the centerpiece of my life. Our livelihood depends on what the mailman deposits there. Epistle Sports Ministries trusts God to meet our needs through the kind and generous gifts of His people.

Recently I was speaking to one of my colleagues who shares our office complex. I had stressed the dire necessity that something substantial by way of support for our ministry be in the mail box that morning. Then I added, “if there’s nothing there, the Lord can still send someone into my office with a donation.”

Several minutes later I went to check the mail and returned dejected. Nothing! Not even junk mail! Now what would I do?

Within a matter of minutes a dear friend knocked on my door, came in and began to tell me about an unexpected cheque he had just received. The mailman had been good to him at least. He said, “I’m just going to sign it and give it to you.”

Being an emotional guy who wears his feelings close to the surface, tears came quickly. I felt that my friend needed to know about the conversation I had only moments before.

He was encouraged, my financial need that was pressing that morning was met and all parties involved were blessed. God was glorified in the transaction and that’s what matters most.

Does God still work in miraculous ways? There’s no doubt in my mind. Trust Him to do what you could never do on your own. He’s waiting to show Himself strong on your behalf.

"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward Him." ~ 2 Chronicles 16:9(a) (ESV)

God Bless America


Happy Memorial day to our American Pilgrim Pilgrim Pals
Vicki, Donna, Jel, Pilot-Mom & Dad, Lisa J, Susan Walker, Heather, Passing-thru, and all of Arlene's family.


Love from Pilgrim David and the Canadian Pilgrim Pals, Little Missionary Julie, Little Pilgrim Pal, Little Montreal Girl, Saija, Julie Sweet Inspirations, Mark Fisher, Lauren-Mary, Laura-Mae,
Terry, and last but NOT least our three Pilgrim Pals across the ocean, Rodney in Australia, Amrita in India and Felisol on the far side of the sea in Norway.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wedding Blessings To The Pilot And His Sweetheart From David And His Pilgrim Pals

1. Lord Jesus, let Thy favour rest
Upon this bond of love;
May it be bound in heaven, and blest
With blessing from above.

2. Thy ways, Thou heavenly Bridegroom, be
The pattern for this pair;
Their constant springs be found in Thee,
Their life Thy love declare.

3. As fellow-heirs of life in Thee,
May they together dwell;
Their mutual faith and love still be
A sweet refreshing well.

4. And when the day of light shall shine,
Their work approvèd be;
Thou them with joy wilt own as Thine,
Whate’er was done to Thee.

Smokey and Willow

Our Pilgrim Pal Terry has asked if we're taking our cat Willow with us when we move. Yes, Terry, we are. I guess we haven't mentioned our other cat, Smokey, in these posts but Smokey is going too. We hope they don't make the 20 mile journey back to Cavan after we've finally made the move. We might be Pilgrims but I pray that the cats aren't. - David

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pix From the Pilgrim's Place

Ironically my favourite radio station for news is 680 News out of Toronto. Today's post is another type of 680 news - news about our home here at 680 Ford Crescent in rural
Cavan, Ontario.

This morning we went to see our "new to us" home just east of Peterborough. This afternoon the buyers of our home here at 680 came by for a last "look through" before they take possession on June 16th.

After they left I began to reminisce and think about how much we're going to miss our home. I took my trusted SONY and went for a walk over our 3 1/2 acres. Here are some of the photos of our home for the past 14 years.

LEGEND: (left to right from the top)

1. One of our many trails
2. You can't even see the neighbour's home who lives across the road from us
3. Our flowering crabapple tree
4. Looking east on Ford Crescent
5. View from the front porch
6. Some of the wild brush in the back field
7. View of 680 from the road
8. Some of Carol's trilliums
9. Our creek
10. Blossoms from one of our dozens of apple trees
11. Yes, there'll be some bleeding hearts when we move
12. Looking back from our side lawn
13. Our mailbox at 680

Note: Click on a picture for a larger and better view. You might even want to use one of these as your desktop background (or as a reminder to pray for us).

This Pal Is Going For Pittsburgh

So you're wondering who the other Pals are cheering for in the Stanley Cup Finals.

I make no bones about the fact that I'm cheering for the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Jordan Staal, an ex-Peterborough Pete, plays for them so they get my vote.'ve got to go with those double P's:

Peterborough Petes

Pittsburgh Penguins

Pilgrim Pals


~ David, the Pilgrim

I'm Blessed!

Yes, I am truly blessed by all the Pilgrim Pals!

It's unbelievable to me how much the Pals are encouraged by my openness! What a switch! I'm allowed to be human - unlike in my workplace - no room for sadness or illness of any kind there it seems. My manager believes in positive thinking as the key - what a farce - we are supposed to go around saying "all is right with the universe" and quote Oprah as if she were God - I don't think so!!

I was reflecting on Jonah and how he ran from God's call and ended up in the belly of a fish! Such darkness! He sure had time to reflect and repent for being fearful of God's call. Can I ever relate. I think I've been in the belly of a great fish for about 8 years - since running away from my call to missions. Hope I get spit out soon :) I got so fearful about money at a time when I didn't need to be...I had absolutely no debt - NONE and was offered a severance package from municipal government - the door was wide opened but I chose to listen to the prince of this world, rather than the Prince of Peace. I ran back to a government job. It's been a turbulent ride since then. My spirit has never been settled. Now, deep in the belly of the fish - in this darkness - I believe God is giving me a great gift - a chance to seek Him with all my heart. He is telling me, "It is not too late Julie. My call on your life never changed as it did not change for Jonah. It did not change for Peter even when he denied knowing me! I am the Lord who restores the plans I have for you!"

It will be a long, hard road back to that opened door to missionary work. I'm now in debt - more than ever and of course I did buy a condo. Don't get me wrong, I believe the condo is God's idea - He blessed me with it.

So, only a few days into my leave from work and God is showing me some awesome things about Himself.

Praise Jesus!

Julie - His Little Missionary

For Little Missionary Julie

This should probably be taped
to your bathroom mirror
where one could read it every day.
You may not realize it,
but it's 100% true..

1. There are at least two people in this world
that you would die for.

2. At least 15 people in this world
love you in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you
is because they want to
be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone,
even if they don't
like you.

5. Every night,
SOMEONE thinks about you
before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. You are special and unique.

8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

9. When you make the biggest mistake ever,
something good comes from it.

10. Always remember the compliments you received.
Forget about the rude remarks.

Good friends are like stars........
You don't always see them,
But you know they are always there.

I would rather have one rose and a kind word
from a friend while I'm here
than a whole truck load when I'm gone

Pilot-Mom Will Be Pilot-Mom-In-Law This Sunday!

Hello?......Hello? H E L L O......Anyone out there? I don't blame you if you have stopped dropping in. I haven't been around much and I haven't even left any goodies in the refrigerator for you to nibble on or to quench your thirst! I have been a terrrible hostess! Please forgive me. It's almost over...and then life will return to "normal," whatever normal is.
What is "it?" Oh, please, let me explain. "It" is the wedding! The wedding of a lifetime (naturally, that's because that is how long marriages last)!! I have been neglecting my blog site and I confess that readily. But you see, between the ballroom dancing classes, the shopping, finding the right pair of shoes to go with my dress, making sure Pilot Dad got measured for his tux, and finding airplanes, (yes, that is correct, airplanes) to fly above the potted mums on each table at the rehearsal dinner, and this unfinished list continues on because I haven't included finishing turning Pilot's bedroom/turned storage room back into a bedroom (which, ahem, is still not finished but we are making headway) or getting food cooked for all the family members staying in our home (18--tyvm)! Whew! Is that the longest run-on sentence you have ever read? *sheepish grin*
So periodically I post something lame just so some of you might manage to still drop by and check me out. I admit it. I love each and every one of you who do take the time and I have missed interacting with you all VERY much. However, I confess, it will continue like this until after the wedding, after the fam leaves, and after Pilot Dad and I take a short mini vacation for 3 nights and four days to Wyoming! Yep, we are leaving on the 8th (June) and returning on the 11th. I can hardly wait!!! At that time, I do believe most things will be *magically* returned to normal and I can return to my *normal* programming, where you, my readers will be free to move about the premises! *grin*
Please don't forget about me. Keep checking in (if you are already doing so) and I promise I'll return to regular posting after the wedding! *blowing kisses*

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pray for the Steven Curtis Chapman Family

Today I received the tragic news concerning the death of the Chapman's youngest adopted daughter. Please be in prayer for the entire family during this heartbreaking time! THANK YOU! - The Pilgrim

Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest child (pictured) died Wednesday evening after being struck by a car driven by her teenage brother in the driveway of the family's Williamson County home.

Maria, one of the Christian singer's six children, was taken by LifeFlight to Vanderbilt Hospital, which confirmed the death, according to Laura McPherson, a spokeswoman for the Tennessee Highway Patrol.

The 5-year-old was hit by an SUV driven by her teenage brother, she said. Police did not give the driver's name.

The teen was driving a Toyota Land Cruiser down the driveway of the rural home about 5:30 p.m. and several children were playing in the area, McPherson said. He did not see Maria in the driveway before the vehicle struck her, she said.

"It appears to be a terrible accident,'' McPherson said.

No charges are expected, she said. The accident was witnessed by two other children; the entire family was home at the time, McPherson said.

Singer/songwriter Chapman, who recently was inducted into Music City Walk of Fame, is one of contemporary Christian music's most recognizable and most awarded names.

He and his wife, Mary Beth, have long been supporters of international adoption, having brought three girls from China into their family. Maria was the youngest.

The couple is so active in the cause that they formed an organization, Shaohannah's Hope, to aid families wanting to adopt.

With his latest music tour, which came through Nashville in November, Chapman started a campaign called "Change for Orphans." He asked audience members at each stop to bring spare change to the concert, where it was counted and given to a local family to aid in their adoption process.

"I don't know of anybody who loves his children more than he does and is so committed to the adoption concept, and to lose one, no matter what the circumstances, is heartbreaking beyond all comprehension," said John Styll, president of the Nashville-based Gospel Music Association.

"He talks about his kids all the time. That's his life. His kids are more important to him than music, that's for sure."

The tragedy was announced during Wednesday-night services at Harpeth Hills Church of Christ, which the family attends. Maria had just graduated from the church preschool.

And word spread throughout the tight-knit Christian music community on Wednesday evening.

Styll got the news not long after Maria's death.

"I'm confident I can speak for everyone in the community to say we will do everything we can to support this family, as we would do at any time, but especially at a time like this," he said.

Most of the Chapman family was at Vanderbilt children's hospital after the accident and could not be contacted. The long, gravel driveway leading to the home west of Franklin was blocked off by Williamson County sheriff's deputies.

In addition, Chapman will not appear at his May 24 show. An artist appearing in his absence will be announced shortly.

From Erin's Dad

Yesterday was The Robinson Middle School 8th grade graduation. I was dreading going but would not have been anywhere else. Erin was honored in such a nice way with a moment of silence and a picture and poem on the program. That school, the staff and kids, has been a great source of strength for me during Erin's sickness and passing. I saw lots of the kids still wearing their "Pray for Erin" bracelets and Those wooden crosses that one of the kids made and I feel honored to know that She is still on their hearts and minds. I know that God is being glorified through all this. It brought tears to my eyes when the kids presented Mr. Nash with a Bible as a gift. I am so proud of not just Erin but all of the kids at Robinson who are bold in their faith. I hope all of you continue to walk with God close to your heart and mind throughtout your entire life. I feel like I have lost my purpose in life but am seeking God diligently to show me His new purpose for me. I know nothing happens without His forethought. I've been going to Celebration Church and really enjoy it out there. It's casual and I feel at home there. The Lord has blessed me by giving me the desire to be back in Church. It's impossible to go to church to satisfy someone else and receive a blessing. You have got to go for You! I have struggled in the past with that and I have made up my mind regardless who wants me to go I need to go for me! I pray that I can become an example to my friends family and loved ones and I hope they can receive the same desire I have. God has used Erin and these circumstances to affect my life in a positive way and I thank Him for it. After the honors program yesterday I drove by the cemetery. I pulled up to Erin's grave and there were several of her friends from school there. I was so glad they took time out of their special day to honor Erin with there gifts of flowers and balloons and their Love. I have been amazed at how much Erin was loved by everyone! It makes me feel so good! Thanks again Robinson School! I love all you guys!
Chris (Erin's dad)

Officially on Leave

I was unable to finish the week at work.
I feel like the lamb in this picture - on the side of a cliff, in danger of falling, entangled in weeds. I'm not sure I see the Good Shepherd coming to my rescue yet....perhaps He is making His way to the "cliff".
My anxiety level got out of control. So, I'm officially on leave now until mid-July. My manager gave me a so called "pep" talk this morning, but I have to tell you it felt more like a lecture. He rambled on and on for about 20 minutes.

My biggest fear that I'm bringing to the Lord is, what if I never recover from this condition?(post traumatic stress disorder). What if I can't function in the work world anymore? I do believe in my heart of hearts there is really only one place I will truly shine for Jesus - on the mission field. I am much more comfortable in a garbage dump in Mexico or in a jungle village in Guatemala - it's who I am in Christ. But that is a distant dream for now. I bought a condo that I'm moving to the end of June - I have to work!! Maybe that wasn't the wisest decision! I'm second guessing everything. How will the next month and a half unfold for me? Only God knows - only He can Heal me. I will be seeking Him with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind. He promises that if we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him. "I will be found by you, declares the Lord...." Jeremiah 29 vs 14

Julie (Little missionary)

Keep My Leaf Green

A word of encouragement to our Pilgrim Pals:

Isobel Kuhn was used mightily by God to reach the Lisu tribe in inland China. Her book By Searching had a powerful impact on my life as a teenager and I strongly recommend it to anyone who desires to obey God's leading.

During the Communist Revolution in China every missionary was in deadly peril. Isobel Kuhn was able to "slip over China's back fence" in 1950 to relative safety in Thailand. From there she anxiously awaited word that other missionaries had made a safe exit from the troubled China mainland. One morning in a prayer meeting one of Isobel's coworkers prayed "O Lord, keep their leaf green in times of drought."

Kuhn's mind flew to Jeremiah 17:8 and felt that God was reassuring her that her colleagues would be safe. One by one each of her coworkers reached safety. She would later recount the thrilling story in her book Green Leaf in Drought Time.

Jeremiah wrote, "For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when the heat comes, but its leaf will be green." - Jeremiah 17:8

How are you handling the present drought you're facing? Have the trying circumstances which are threatening to choke your spiritual vitality gained a foothold? Is your green leaf beginning to dry up and turn a lifeless brown?

Soak up God's promises. Abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Rest by His river of life. He will deliver you and bring you into a fertile, fragrant place once again. TRUST HIM! ~ David, the Pilgrim

Monday, May 19, 2008

Wait, Don't Worry

I saw this graphic on the prayer update e-mail from Kindred Community Church in southern California where our Pilgrim Pal Susan Bunts attends.

Kindred Community Church was pastored by Chuck Obremski, the former Baseball Chapel leader for the Anaheim Angels, until his untimely death several years ago.

Remember, God may say "WAIT" but He never says "WORRY".

By the way, Susan hadn't posted here on or her own site for several weeks since her mom passed away. Yesterday she posted somethings new concerning her mom. Perhaps we should leave some encouraging comments over at The Susan Blog. Enough said!

Happy Victoria Day!

Can We Be Sure?
Can we be sure we’ll spend eternity in heaven? Many people say you can’t be sure. Are they right? Does spending eternity in Heaven or Hell have to remain uncertain until it’s too late? Queen Victoria wanted to be sure. After attending a service in St. Paul’s Cathedral, she asked her Chaplain, “Can one be absolutely sure in this life of eternal safety?” Be he didn’t know any way to be certain.
The Court News published the remarks and John Townsend, an unassuming evangelist, saw them. After reading Queen Victoria’s question and the answer she had received, Townsend began to think and pray about answering her himself. Then he sent the following note to the Queen:
To her gracious Majesty, our beloved Queen Victoria, from one of her most humble subjects:
With trembling hands, but heartfelt love, and because I know that we can be absolutely sure now of our eternal life in the Home that Jesus went to prepare, may I ask your Most Gracious Majesty to read the following passages of Scripture: John 3:16; Romans 10:9,10?
These passages prove that there is full assurance of salvation by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ for those who believe and accept His finished work.
I sign myself, your servant for Jesus’ sake, John Townsend.
John Townsend told others about his letter to the Queen. Many prayers from many hearts went up to God. In about two weeks he received a modest-looking envelope containing the following letter:
To John Townsend: Your letter of recent date I received and in reply would state that I have carefully and prayerfully read the portions of Scripture referred to. I believe in the finished work of Christ for me, and trust by God’s grace to meet you in that Home of which He said, “I go to prepare a place for you.”
(Signed) Victoria Guelph
The way of salvation is the same for a queen or a common citizen. The Bible verses John Townsend recommended to the Queen were:
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10:9,10)

Victoria died at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, on 22 January 1901 after a reign which lasted almost 64 years, the longest in British history.
She was buried at Windsor beside Prince Albert, in the Frogmore Royal Mausoleum, which she had built for their final resting place. Above the Mausoleum door are inscribed Victoria's words: 'farewell best beloved, here at last I shall rest with thee, with thee in Christ I shall rise again'

Holiday Weekend Reflections

I'm up at my parent's place in the Ottawa Valley. This is a long post so get your tea or coffee!

It sure wasn't the sunniest or warmest weekend on record, so I was stuck inside. Too bad my bunny Alfie loves to nose around outside. However, Alfie had just as much fun nosing around the apartment. I've discovered he loves Sour Creme and Onion chips!! When he hears the chip bag all manners (if he has any) go out the window - he jumps on me with his nose in my face looking for a chip or two.

I watched quite a bit of the Flordia Outpouring on-line: Don't know if you heard about the revival in Lakeland. To be honest, I have VERY mixed feelings as I watch. On one hand I think "praise the Lord!" - on the other hand I look on with suspicion. I'm doing more research and prayer on this "move". Is it really God? On the surface it seems so but something in my gut is reluctant. I'm listening to a guy on Youtube right now in response to this "move". (hope this link works). I know it's just one guy's opinion on youtube but he does have some interesting points. I'd be interested in hearing your comments on all of this. We are to test the spirits - so I guess that's what I'm doing - proceeding with caution.

On a related topic - I'm going after God in a big way for healing for my deep emotional wounds. I will be off work for 6 weeks at full pay - part is sick leave and part is vacation. These wounds that go back to childhood and have formed scars and there has been much healing over the years. We all have these wounds/scars - some deeper than others. Actually a Christian could argue our wounds go back to the Fall of man. I agree with that - since the Fall we have continued to wound each other. Sin seems to have a life of it's own at times. It's only in Christ Jesus that we have any chance of wounding each other less - and when we do wound each other, as Believers, we have a special Grace from the Lord that grants us the ability to repent and seek forgiveness not just from the Lord, but from the one we have wounded. This doesn't always happen of course. The one wounded also has the Grace from God to accept the apology offered. In fact, the wounded one also has the Grace to forgive even when the wounder doesn't repent and ask forgivenss (as in my case with two Christians who have yet to say "sorry" - I must chose to forgive them anyway). (side note: these two Christians and I will eventually cross tracks because we "run" in mutual circles - the test for me will be when I set eyes on them). It takes an infusion of Grace ask forgiveness of others and to offer forgiveness. Unfortunately, as the regular Pilgrim Pals know, my experience two years ago taught me that even the most holy and devout, (at least on the surface), Christians can wound another Christian so deeply with their words and actions that it rips open old wounds along with creating new wounds. My faith in God was shaken to the core in 2006 - my ability to discern "safe" people from "unsafe" people was smashed to bits. Safe boundaries came crashing down and unhealthy boundaries were put up. I isolated myself from safe friends and opened myself up to unsafe people. I made at least two very unsafe choices in the last year alone. I began "dating" an unsaved - worse - an self-proclaimed Athiest - Todd. Knowing full well this was not God's will - that a Believer be yoked to an unbeliever - I still "chased" Todd to go out with me....and he always said "sure". I put myself in unsafe situations with him - being alone with him where he could have taken advantage of my desperatness to feel loved and accepted by someone...anyone! I thank God everyday that I wasn't used - He must have assigned a special Angel to stand between Todd and I, so I would not be used in my very vulnerable state. It would have been even more detrimental to my overall emotional healing if I was used. I believe the prayers of many Pilgrim Pals helped me. God led me to the safety of Pilgrim Pals - no judgement - just plently of acceptance, love, prayers and wise words. I still find it awesome that God lead me, while surfing for facts on the Ottawa Senators and specifically on Christian hockey players on the team last year (eg Mike Fisher), to the Pals site. Knowing David is the uncle of Mike made this site safe for me at time I wasn't sure who I could trust - wasn't even sure I could trust God anymore!! Before and especially during the playoffs Mike indirectly became a beacon for Jesus to shine through and show me that we need not hide the Light of Christ - even in the tough arena of NHL hockey - this was an inspiration for me! Thank you Mike for being so opened about your relationship with the Lord Jesus.

Recently it came to light that I also trusted another "unsafe" person by the name of Louise. You may remember her from a picture I posted last year during the playoffs. I work with her and last year during the Senator's run for the Stanley Cup she really befriended me. I think a part of her did like me, but I've since realized a bigger part of her heart was bent on controlling me and getting me on her side in the workplace as she felt others didn't really like her. She used me for her own purposes and in the last several months has basically discarded me as she doesn't "need" me anymore. Keep in mind I was not totally leaning on the Lord Jesus last year but rather on my own understanding. I confess here that I am in part guilty by omission because I allowed Louise to gossip and bad-mouth our other co-workers. She would talk about their weight gain or lack of style in dressing for work etc etc It was nasty and I so often remained silent - God forgive me for not putting a stop to it. Not to make an excuse, however in my desperateness to be accepted by someone I was just happy to have an "ally" in the workplace - the wrong ally as I discovered. You reap what you sow. I'm reaping some pain now because I took part (even if indirectly) in gossip and slander. Louise has turned on me - and is treating me badly - especially in the last couple weeks. And, of course I highly suspect she is speaking badly behind my back as she has shown herself capable of doing. I was beside myself with grief and shame to the point of considering suicide a couple weeks ago - but my Saviour has other plans and He isn 't letting me go that easily! After speaking with a no less than 4 professionals (including my own physician) they all recommend I take sick leave in order to heal - first from the trauma inflicted two years ago and secondly to sort out the workplace issues and look at moving on to another job. As long as I remain in the "toxic" work environment I will not heal. I need to spend some length, quality time with the Lord. I agree with the professionals, but you must understand, my shame in taking sick leave is working on my mind. I feel awful in abandoning my work and loading it on another person. I have fear that it'll be worse for me when I go back to work - that others will look at me as a "cop out" or failure. I know I'm capable of working in a highly responsible job - I've done so in the past - this current job is actually a bit of a step down for me. I took the job as a stepping stone. The 4 professionals agree I should move into a new position and that I am capable of doing so. I've told you before I'd like to work with Fire services or Paramedics since I have a background in emergency medical services. I would like to move into an administrative support role. God will have to open that door. As I explained in the past, Unions rule the roost and that prevents me from moving into a union position. The Almightly is the top "Union Boss" - with Him ALL things are possible!

Another issue at work: both Louise and I are in temporary positions - it's the exact same admin job but split between the of us as there is plently of work to do. Our manager wants to get approval for the two positions to be permanent but that isn't going to happen. Although Louise and I are permanent employees, the jobs are temporary, depending solely on budget. Recently, our boss got the funding to post one of the positions as permanent. They have to post the job because of "rules". Louise will get the job, that I am sure of. I made the decision to NOT apply for the position. I will remain in the temporary position and pray the Lord opens another door for me. Please join me in this prayer. I sense the Lord is on the move in a big way and He will use the "bad" situtation to bless me with something better!

One other note about Louise and the workplace. I got the Employee Assistance Program involved because of her "bullying" manner a couple weeks ago. We are trying to set up a type of "intervention" for the whole team. I'm nervous but feel it must be done - not just for my sake but for the sake of any other new person that comes into that work area.

And a final note: Mom, who is in the hospital for the third time in about three weeks, is doing much better. She is coming home tomorrow. Her doctor is lowering the dosage on a couple medications which he thinks might be causing the extreme weakness. Her depression has lifted - praise Jesus!

Thanks Pals for all your support and prayers.

In Christ,

Julie (Little Missionary)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Strength and Hope

This morning I posted the following reflections over at Pilgrim Scribblings and thought I would share them here on "Pals" as well. We have a hope that's steadfast and sure! HALLELUJAH!

We've all heard the stirring lyrics to the powerful hymn Great is Thy Faithfulness time and time again. Yet I'm convinced that, for any child of the King who is walking with Him, these words never become commonplace. I pray that they don't!

Driving home this morning from my night shift job at Christian Horizons I was enjoying a radio program of old hymns of the faith. I had taken one of the back roads home, taking in the beautiful scenery and reveling in the Father's love.

To be honest, I was dreading the day when we leave our present home for the last time, bid farewell to neighbors and friends and the place we've called "home" for 14 years and begin afresh in a different location. We have so many fond memories of our place here in Cavan. As I was thinking of that tearful day (in a few weeks) when we say "goodbye", Steve Green began to sing Great is Thy Faithfulness.

The words "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow" gripped me. As believers in Jesus Christ and soldiers of the cross we have the assurance that a sovereign God will provide all the strength we need for today and bright hope for tomorrow which will anchor our souls.

We have been blessed beyond measure as the Father has lavished His love on us. Regardless of what tomorrow may bring, we have the promises of God and that is all we need.

Today, if you are dreading your "tomorrows", abide in His love, rest under His wings and know that He cares for you and will give you whatever you need.

"Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. - Hebrews 6:17-19a (NIV)

Nuggets From Norway

Fellow pilgrims, isn't it marvellous how God uses certain people at various times to minister to our deepest needs. One day it can be a neighbor down the street. The next day a phone message from a friend far away. Then a pat on the back by a fellow believer. The Father knows our situations and out of His sovereign heart chooses who He will equip to bless us.

Each of the Pilgrim Pals have been graciously empowered and enabled by God to reach out to others. That is our mission...our purpose as Pilgrim Pals.

Recently I have been incredibly blessed by the comments left by our beloved Felisol, far across the sea in Norway. She has said the "right" things at the "right" times and I'm indebted to her and her kindness and compassion. I know that many of the Pals have felt the same way when Felisol has come along and ministered words of life and liberty.

So Felisol, dear sister, be encouraged today knowing that you have been mightily used by God to refresh the weary heart of this stuggling pilgrim. You have given me fresh water during desert times and rich bread when I needed to be fed.


~ David, the Pilgrim