Monday, July 23, 2007

Little Montreal Girl..Praying Sens Fan In Montreal

1. Name/Pilgrim Pal User-Name: Prayingsensfaninmontreal and Little Montreal Girl, thanks to Mrs.Shirkie.
2. Favourite Food: I'd have to say I LOVE the Kelsey's Classic Burger!
3. Hometown: My little town just out side of Montreal.
4. Parent's names:Next question please.
5. What did you study in post-secondary school?: I'm still in high school.I don't plan to do any more studying. Unless the book I'm reading on Canadian politics is considered studying. ;)
6. When and how did you come to know the Lord?: On my moms bed on Feb. 14, 1996
7. How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend?: Single!
8. If you could meet someone face to face (other than God), who would it be?: Relitives I've never met, and a Montreal Gazette writer named Red Fisher, he has such great stories to tell. And I would tell him a story about a savior who loves him.
9. If you were given the chance to build your dream home, where would it be located and who would you want your neighbour to be?:I love my little town and couldn't think of living some where else. Posibly Champlain or some where in up state NY. Ottawa would be a great place to live!
10. How did you discover Pilgrim Pals or Pilgrim Scribblings?:
Hebrews 11:1 was looking for HMI and other sports ministries


Anonymous said...

Thank you whoevever posted this!

Little Montreal Girl

Anonymous said...

Hello, Pals!

Don't think that's really my sister...she's older than that you know!

Just a quick note, I had a terrible sleep last night, and my stomach felt terible, so I won't be starting my supplements until tomorrow :( Thank you for praying.

Lil Pilgrim Pal

Guess how I am making my comments fancy with bold and italic?! I'll share my secret when I've got more time, but it was somethig I had to learn in a hurry when I set up a website for my parents!

Terry said...

Never you mind Lil Pilgrim!
My Little Montreal Girl is just a high school lassie!!
So this is EXACTLY what she looks like!

I will be praying for your illness,
I worry about you sometimes..Love Mrs. Shirkie

Anonymous said...

That does not look like a high school lassie...she looked like that when she was 7 or 8, except for the b/w and the bonnet...she would have loved one of those!

Don't worry about me...I have enough people parents just want to see me get better, a neighbor is so concerned, especially when I revealed something (an environmental factor) that I maybe should not have said...I won't make the mistake twice!

How is your ear infection? All the strawberries cleaned out?

That last story about the pool-- my sister made me read it while I sipped on my strawberry I think I know why my stomach is so messed up...all those chopper stories ;) In all honesty, it's because silly me has been on a supplemental cream for 3 yrs., and got lazy after runing out, and didn't call the pharmacie to re-order it for a week, and ended up goign without it for 10 days...all my fault, don't you worry. It'll pass in a day or two, and I won't do that again.

God bless you,

Lil Pilgrim Pal

passing-thru said...