Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sigve Needs Our Prayers And God's Healing Touch

Please pray the more earnestly for dear Sigve and for his wife, Liv, both of whom are friends of Felisol, Gunnar and Serina..

1 Timothy 2:8..." I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting."

1Thessalonians..."Pray without ceasing."

Friday, July 13, 2007

Sigve has been hospitalised once more. We're all mourning.Maybe just therefor I need to hold on to some of the bright moments of this summer also.

Please visit Felisol and see the wonderful Norwegian scenes that she and Serinas have photographed in the last while.
This sun scene is one of them....Your visit would bring much cheer to our friend, Felisol..


passing-thru said...

On my way over to felisol's site now - have prayed for them and trusting The God of All Grace to comfort them - and help them - nice of U to post this Terry -

Felisol said...

Dear Pilgrom Pals,
I almost cannot believe it, but Sigve is better today, and Liv's son whom live on the other side of the country came home today, to help tis mother out.
It's more than a wonder that things can turn so quickly. Ofcourse with Sigve we know nothing about he cancer yet, but these unbearable paines are gone.
Thank you Prayer Warriors.
With the help og God you won this battle!!