My challenge is for you, my Pilgrim Pals, to write something "spiritual" concerning this picture. Something about our walk with God. Our pilgrimage.
I already have something in mind to post. I'd like to see you, my readers, take a shot at this.
Go ahead. Let me read your comments! Thanks!
God is good!
GREAT IDEA ! ------- not posting yet, but will "give this some thought" ------- This concept has "potential"
Lord Bless and catch U later
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:5
As soon as I saw this picture I thougt of this verse and the song "I'll meet you in the morning". That song is a favorite of mine, especialy after someone has died. It reminds me that I'll see them on the other side.
God bless you all and Happy Canada Day!!!
Montreal girl
"I am waiting for the dawning
Of that bright and and blessed day,
When the darksome night of sorrow
Shall have vanished far away;
When forever with the Saviour,
Far beyond this vale of tears,
I shall swell the song of worship
Through the everlasting years.
I an looking for the brightness,
See, it shineth from afar,
Of the clear and joyous beaming
O the "Bright and Morning Star".
Through the dark grey mist of morning
Do I see it glorious light;
Then away with ev'ry shadow
Of the sad and weary night.
I am waiting for the coming
Of the Lord who died for me;
O His words have thrilled my spirit,
"I will come again for thee,"
I can almost hear His footfall
On the threshold of the door,
And my heart, my heart is longing
To be with Him evermore!"
David, I have no words but the words of this hymn.
You have set the music going in my heart for the day!
The Lord is on His way...
...Love from Pilgrim pal, Terry
Even on the darkest day, His love is just a prayer away....
Lil Pilgrim Pal
The "natural" man RECEIVES NOT the things of the Spirit" nor can he, for they are as darkness to him -
Before I got saved - my world , day or night was as this picture - void of "light" empty , shallow, uncertain, no satisfying answers -
My darkness turned to DAY - as paul said on the way to damascus, a Great Light shoned about him - there is no more "night" no setting of an uncertain sun -
All has been revealed , all is Light , My night has turned to DAY
From my favourite Psalm 139
7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, [a] you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.
As the sun sets in the western sky I pause and look back over my day. Everything I do in a day should be my worship to God. I am reminded of the quote, "The older you get the more visible will be the hardness of our heart, or the gentleness of our spirit. May He find in me a gentle spirit.
Again I am reminded that I am somebody special to the Lord. He died for me. Even if I was the only person alive He would have gone to the cross for me. So as the last vestiges of the sun slips beyond the horizon I thank the Lord He made me:
S pecial to God
O pen to improvement
M ade in His image
E ncouraging to others
B elieving in Christ
O ptimistic
D edicated to the Lord
Y earning for eternity
(I hope this turns out once I press 'publish.'
Dear Little Montreal girl..
When I read you comment here with the mention of that song, "I'll Meet You In The Morning", it brought my memory back to a few years ago when we were at a concert where the Blackwood Brothers were singing.
Towards the end of the concert they sang that song,"I'll Meet You In The Morning" and as they were finishing it, James Blackwood stepped off the stage and came right to the front row, where Betty and Amy and Bernie and I were sitting and shook each of our hands, as he was singing, I'll meet you in the morning, over and over again!
We were just so thrilled!!
James Blackwood has gone to heaven since that time but we are looking forward to doing just that ourselves some day soon and we will be meeting James Blackwood in that bright morning!!!!
Take care little girl....Love Mrs. Shirkie
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