Friday, August 15, 2008


Reading the book of Esther this morning -- 10 chapters of rich , full lessons for believers.

Chapters 2-5 especially shows how God never forgets , How He is never late, no matter the circumstances or how things seem to appear -------
He didn't forget Mordecai , Mordecai may have thought He did --

If u want great truths , read Esther this weekend --- take heart my friends -----

Am praying for all -- Lord Bless

passing-thru ---- Branson , Mo

1 comment:

Felisol said...

Dear Passing-thru,
I've spent this summer with Renae. She has been writing a blog called "Morning Coffee" about the book of Ester.
It has been so interesting and enlightening.
Then; I have no trouble in believing that God will heal Cole and his grandfather. I 'm praying and I know his listening.
But am I worthy. Does He really mind me and the problems of Gunnar and Serina.
The evil tries to discourage me.
I'm unworthy. I'm doing all things the wrong way. (That might in fact be true.)
God doesn't mind I hope. He knows everything. He knows we are dust.
I was reminded of this word from Job's book and want to share it with my fellow pilgrims, also with thanks for remembering us in prayers and hoping that we can continue to carry each other.
Job's book:
14 Although you say you do not see Him,
Yet justice is before Him, and you must wait for Him.
All my lovings from Felisol