Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Great hymns reflect our struggles, our thoughts , our victories , our HOPE --

Right after finding the Lord - a song that stood out was, "I'd rather have Jesus , than silver or gold"
41 years later and many failures on my part , tears fill these eyes even as I type , but my song for the nite would be
"I'd rather have Jesus --------- than silver or gold
I'd rather be HIS than have riches untold ---

Thankyou Lord for Calvary where You cancelled the debt of sin that I could not pay - and for bill archer who told me about Jesus and His love.

Remember to pray for all those that are in need

** Read Vicki's latest comment on her post about Shelby --- GOOD STUFF

Good Nite



Terry said...

Dear Passing-thru..
I think that this post has filled many of our eyes with tears.

When I was younger George Beverly Shea became my favourite singer.
I thought that I had really found a treasure once in a second hand store when I bought a biography of him!
In that book I read the history of this song that was written by Rhea F. Miller.
One night George's mom left this poem on the piano and when George, later that night sat at the piano and saw it, he was so moved that he wrote the tune to this wonderful "song".
George was a wonderful singer and the words to this song made him think about his own Christian life and the goals he was striving for.
His mom who heard him singing came down and asked George if he could sing it next Sunday at church.
The words of this song changed his life. Although he was offered a great music career with the NBC, he later left that career and joined with Billy Graham to sing God's message to millions of people around the world.
What a blessing he is and what a blessing that he had such a mother who cared!

Passing-thru, you are such a help too and since you have come back there is a softness and such a sweet spirit in you that I surely wish that I could have! God bless you!!..Love Terry

George Beverly Shea is 90 years old now and is still singing! He is a Canadian boy by the way who lives in Winchester, Ontario!

Vicki said...

Oh, PT, this is precious, priceless, and promise-filled! My eyes got all watery, listening to the song. We used to sing this song a lot in the evenings at the old church we attended when the kids were small. (We'd just raise our hands and make a special request, and sing our hearts out!)

Terry, I didn't realize George Beverly Shea is 90! I used to listen to him on all the Billy Graham crusades years ago.

PT, thank you, dear friend, for all that you share here. It's so uplifting and blesses us all.

My eyes are droopy so I better catch a little sleep....g'nite, everyone.

passing-thru said...

This was Terry that added this song to the post --- always looking to add blessing to blessing is our Terry --

"We" are all members of ONE BODY

Each one contributes that uniqueness that makes all this so special -------

Blessings on U all