Sunday, July 8, 2007


Don't U love it , when "people" have all the answers and don't even know the questions !
Sometimes, I feel like I fall into that category -- I hope that isn't true though -
In church this morning - the preaching was on Rahab - her "faith" that "scarlet" rope that hung out her window and all who entered into her home would be "saved" from the wrath to come.
THE ONE THING THAT PLEASES GOD THE MOST , IS, "FAITH" believing THAT GOD CAN -this sinful person BELIEVED GOD - and works followed her "faith" (Joshua 2nd chapter) as a "result" she and her entire household and "whosoever" were found inside her home (ark) would be spared - what a "coincedent" that it was a SCARLET rope , the BLOOD line representing BLOOD over the lintel posts - "When I see the Blood" I WILL PASSOVER ----- neat stuff --
ANYWAY --because of "FAITH" being exercised , GOD MOVED , HE BOUND HIMSELF TO HIS WORD, and when the act of faith is in accordance with HIS WILL and GLORY , HE PROMISED TO DO, TO SHOW, TO BE, TO GUIDE ARIGHT, TO PROVIDE, -- TO BE GOD TO US
Joshua 6th chapter shows Joshua and the people marching around 30foot tall walls of Jericho and instead of using "man-made" weapons, cunning plans, they "followed" GOD'S WORDS and just blew horns -- no rational, sane, common sense military would go and conquer a fortified city that way -- BUT GOD , WILLING TO SHOW TO THE "HEIRS" of salvation, That God's ways are not our ways ---SO BELIEVE and LIVE LIKE THE ANSWER IS ON THE WAY ----
This biblical advice is for me as well as any out there that may benefit -- Joshua knew how silly it must have looked - but he obeyed (TRUST and OBEY) he acquiesced to HIS WORD, he acted by faith -- THE PRINCIPLES of GOD'S WORKING has not changed --
If anything , we need to be living on the "edge" of faith works today to keep ourselves in readiness for "acts" that will lead people to Saving Faith in THE LORD JESUS CHRIST -
sorry , I was so long winded -- lol - passing-thru


Julie (Little Missionary) said...

Excellent message Passing-thru!

The interesting thing about faith - just my little theory here: is that God provides us the faith - we must exercise it. I believe this because if it was something we could muster up on our own - there is the danager we could take the credit or glory ourselves when good happens - eg look at MY faith - MY faith healed me. We must always finish the sentence with I have faith in God's ability to heal etc etc. I'm rambling....

The service at my church was great today - good solid message - maybe I'll do a post on it later.

passing-thru said...

YES JULIE --- I CONCUR TOTALLY with your thoughts -- faith is a gift from God - absolutely -- I preached years ago on this thought - the disciples said - Lord increase our faith - its God originated , God fed, God delivered and the results are God glorifying -- well said Julie -