Saturday, July 21, 2007


I tend to "preach" more in here than just talk of some event - (my nature, I guess :-) but I am so glad that THE LAMB OF GOD , JESUS CHRIST , SO TOTALY SAVES US - that in HIM is ALL the restitution for sin has been paid -- every little bit -- and if any doubts that look at Joshua 7 chpt. --Poor Achan when capturing Jericho, lusted when seeing the "allurement" of this world , God called it "the accursed thing" - all it was , was silver and gold and a pretty garment - it could have been just a piece of pottery - the fact was - it was of the "world" something that was not part of God's inheritance - these people were a "peculiar" people - God was their Inheritance - so severe was this and so dangerous "the lust of the flesh, the pride of life etc." and "a little leaven, leaveneth the whole loaf" - that not even one little speck of this was to be kept even within the camp of the hebrews ! Imagine what "accursed" things we harbour, we hoard within our hearts -- BUT PRAISE BE TO GOD FOR HIS COMPLETE REDEMPTION IN CHRIST -- poor Achan and all his family and items were burned outside of the camp - thats how dangerous we must look at sin -- and realise how GREAT A SALVATION we have in JESUS -- so let us not flirt with the "accursed thing" and make CHRIST HOLY and WHOLLY WITHIN US --

Now , this was a change for me , not preaching this time ---- :-)



Pilot Mom said...

There are two things (well, much more probably) I think we as Christians tend to "minimize" somewhat. Now, I'm not saying all Christians, but there are way too many. The two things are the ugliness of our sin and the Holiness of God.

We tend to want to "justify" our sin somehow. It was a "fib" instead of a lie..that kind of thing. And how some kind of view God as their "brother" (which Christ is) but first and foremost He is our Holy God, God Almighty.

*sheepish* Okay, I'll get down off my soap box and won't preach anymore! ;)

passing-thru said...

Nooo please always contribute more Godly words -

The awefulness of Hell and the HOLINESS OF GOD and the deadliness of sin are subjects which our Christian forefathers preached on alot ---
We have no fear of sin today -

passing-thru said...

Pilot Mom - this is a site on Samuel Logan Brengle - old time Salvation Army preacher - this site has much of his writings one can read there - He is of the Holiness type - great truths in so much of his writings --

passing-thru said...


passing-thru said...

lol --- the line is too long -
It finishes with brengle.html

Pilot Mom said...

Thank you. I'll check him out.

passing-thru said...

Pilot Mom, an after thought on that website for Samuel Logan Brengle, I was not endorsing the website as I don't know all about these people , just the Listings of Brengle's writings -- I would only want to endorse a site that I was familiar with and agreed to -
But so far as Brengle , solid born-again Sin Hating, God Loving saint -