Thursday, July 19, 2007


Let us take heart , my daughter reminded me last nite, Dad she said, God's promises are as real today as they were 30 years ago ! She is right of course , different trials, different mountains and we are different too, more afraid, more vulnerable, but GOD , what a statement ! BUT GOD -- HE hasen't changed one i-oda - Let us renew-recommit and declare HIM to be GOOD and FAITHFUL -- "pals" lets refresh our needs -
Dad Golden and his neck arteries , and most of all his salvation
Arlene and Heather, pray daily big time for them
Felisol's friend Sigve and cancer
Donna and her friends, as she interceeds for many -Salvation and healing for Minerva
Aaron Devine 14year old his family and the poor ones that hit him
Ron and Lisa - new needs and pray that the lump on his leg is nothing
Vickie's hubby and Claire's hubby too - people who love God
Heb 11:1 and her entire family of evangelist
Terry - our own Terry and Bernie , may they be encouraged as they encourge others
Lil Missionary, she loves the Lord , May HE give her direction, stability and peace
Lauren Mary for a work position to open this summer
there are OTHERS - HE KNOWS ALL OF THEM - THEIR NEEDS - and HE LOVES US let us remember as well , our friend, David and Carol, a man whose mission has been to encourage many , even when he has been discouraged, he writes of HIM , WHO FAILS NOT - so let us remember David, his fall project (a work in progress) their finances, their move, direction and peace and assurance , so lets pray down the BLESSING on these PETERBOROUGH MISSIONARIES ----------


Anonymous said...

Pilgrim Pals, head over to Minerva's blog...the lastest bump was NOT cancer! Praise the Lord, He is answering our prayers already!

Lil Pilgrim Pal

passing-thru said...

Thx heb --- I just left a msg over there -- may "LIGHT" dawn on that soul -------- we are "debtors" to preach and show the gospel of love to everyone --

passing-thru said...

I just copied some of Minerva's words from yesterday , here they are
"I have attended church, taken communion and believed, truly, in a divine presence that is greater than us all.
I have done all these things, all these things until now. I just cannot believe any more, cannot believe that someone, something which is essentially benevolent would visit on a mother the possibility of cancer for a third time in 18 months. I feel forsaken, lost in the desert, unwanted and unloved. I feel like the runt of the litter, one of the unchosen, the unelected. Why has this happened? "
I didn't have the heart to "preach" I just rejoiced with her over the good news of no cancer in the lump -- No reasoning of the flesh, the natural man , will ever shed "Light" into the soul for salvation, or for answers as to "WHY" , her comment on the end of her post today said she felt more comfortable with the "ones" that doubted a Loving God would do this to someone innocent like her - yes, the anguish and questions of "why" are only natural and siding with "others" of that doubting nature is natural -- BUT , because of God's people praying and God working , Minerva is much closer to real salvation thru faith in the finished work of Christ - so let us continue to pray for Minerva

Terry said...

Thank you so much for the update!
I really have a hard time sometimes remembering them all and of that i should surely be ashamed!! I don't like to bunch then all togther, I like to pray for each one by name and by need. from Pilgrim pal Terry

How dear that Minerva is becoming to us all, eh?

I know that I owe you a letter Lil pilgrim. I will try and find out where..
I see you at Gracey's quite a bit and she really appreciates it!