Thursday, July 24, 2008


Acts 20 is such a great picture.
Paul the apostle, calls the "church" at Ephesus and says it's time for him to "move" on --

We will "all " be moving on one day , so let us do all and be all that we can for our Lord.

Acts 20:32 ---" And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the Word of His Grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.

What truths - What assurances -- What "solid " ground for us to stand on --

Our Christ is Limitless, Always Able , Always Present so let us "abide " in the Vine and He will bring forth fruit --
On Christ the Solid Rock I stand ------ ALL other ground is sinking sand

** remember the needs -- Pat's mother-in-law -- Cole , Taylor and family -- Lil M and work - Davids home requests and daily manna -- Pilot Mom's request for "R" -- Mom Golden to stay "picked up" -- Vicki and her sister -- Donna , Saija's Leo -- this list goes on -- Whoever the Lord lays on your heart , let us be praying people and bring them to the Throne -

Blessings on this Thursday Pilgrims --
Let us smile and be happy IN HIM

1 comment:

Felisol said...

Dear Passing-Thru,
I am praying in the depth of the night for the above mentioned.
And I'm praising the Lord for you,
and the work you are doing here.
From Felisol