Saturday, June 30, 2007


We at pilgrim pals have not forgotten U , HEATHER ---- Arlene, U too are on many prayer lists
Husbands of Pilot Mom and Vickie -- healing to your bodies
Saija as well -- the smiling friend of David's friends , for your husband and his back

For friends like the two Julies ----- jel too ----- Heb 11:1 and sister, praying fan with their zeal to win the lost , missionaries tried and true -----

Salvation for Todd and Dad Golden - there is POWER IN THE BLOOD ------

We are blessed to have our own Terry ----- A caring Card sending missionary of the internet
Did we forget Donny and Crusade for Christ , NO -- may he find service and fruit for HIM
Donna over at By His Grace Alone as she searches to serve HIM in the BEST WAY

David and Carol for finances, direction , encouragement ---
many more I am sure of but can't think of --- Lord Bless --------- passing-thru

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