Saturday, June 30, 2007

Redeeming the Time

For the last week or so I have put my "times awake in the middle of the night" to good use! Rather that fretting and stewing about the things I have no control over, I have chosen to pray for our Pilgrim Pals and associates/friends/family by name and by situation.

I've found that it's a great way to "redeem the time". Before I know it, I'm sound asleep, resting in the care of our Almighty God.

Let Him carry the burdens you shoulder, my friends! He invites you to cast them on Him.

"Casting all our cares upon Him, because He cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7

Note: Thanks to my good friend Susan Bunts over at Susan's Blog for this graphic.


Terry said...

Dear David...Susan's blog site is full of good things for sure!

I hope that you and Carol and the kids have a glorious Sunday and how nice that there is going to be another baptism!...From Pilgrim pal, Terry

Anonymous said...

Hey, I like to do the same thing! Its strted when I was 12, and one Sunday as my best friend and I were talking about what time we woke up, we both had awakened early, and could not get back to sleep. So...every night after that when I woke up and couldn't sleep, I'd pray for him. Then, as I grew older, I'd pray for so many other names I'd think of (mostly people I DIDN'T know who needed to know the Lord). My favorite thing is to fall asleep in the evning praying...and wake up in the night still praying. It doesn't happen as often as it used to, but I loe the feel of the Lord's presence when it does happen...

Anonymous said...

During the markup to Domicile Result 2267, the jaws proposing online gambling ordinance, foe Spencer Bachus repeatedly referred to an article in the Orlando Patrol as heralding the incipient dangers of Internet gaming. Bachus said the legal papers bemoaned the seduce Internet cafes posed to children, and argued this meant accepting online casinos means subjecting kids to risk.

Bachus repeated the citation a number of times during the execution of the colloquy not later than the Theatre Pecuniary Services Commission, as if he had discovered a hard pip of act gaming proponents could not refute nor digest. But the Alabama Republican had either accidentally or pointedly muddied the first with misleading information.