Sunday, June 17, 2007

Prayer Requests

Hi everyone!

I haven't posted on here very much, but I am really enjoying what other people have been writing! Though I don't always comment, trust me when I say that there has been much posted on here that has encouraged me, strengthend me, and challenged me!

I have a couple of prayer requests:

1. Please pray for my mom. She works at Trent University and she is waiting to hear about a new position within the university that she has applied for. Long story short, the office she is currently in has become very hostile...almost evil. It appears that some other people in her office are trying to push her out, or get her to quit by telling lies about her, etc. She is probably the hardest working person in that office, so it is hurtful to think that now she has been reduced to just answering the phones!

She has applied for an even better position and is needing the job partly to escape the terrible work environmment she is in currently, plus it is full-time and her current position is being reduced to part-time at the end of August.

2. We are going to a wedding in July. I'm not going into a lot of details, but this wedding is going to be very big but there are a lot of people coming who don't know Christ, so they are probably wanting to come and have a night of partying. The bride's parents (our friends) are Christian and it is their desire that Christ will be glorified through this wedding. Please pray that everything will go smoothly and that Christ will be victorious because the devil would like nothing better than to "win" that day!

Thanks for the prayer support!



passing-thru said...

Julie - this is just what our friend and leader David has wanted for Christians - a place to share , needs or answers or just good old Christian fellowship - so he set this up for exactly what U petitioned for ----- will be praying --------


Terry said...

Dear Julie...I will be praying.
In fact I am on my way to visit you.
I haven't been there for way too long!

David Warren Fisher said...


You can count on my prayers, dear friend! Each time I see your bus and the van I will pray!

Thanks for sharing your requests. I know that Passing-Thru (Bob) and Terry will certainly be bombarding God's eternal throne on your behalf.


In His love,


Anonymous said...

I'll be praying, too!

the little Pilgrim Pal

Julie said...

Thanks everyone!

passing-thru said...

Everytime I see this post - I offer up the requests to the Throne - for the concern for your mom at work -- for a Christ influenced wedding - no doubt, some there will be impressed upon by the Spirit of God --