Thursday, June 21, 2007


12:30 this Thursday the 21st ---- Blessed is the man or woman or child that makes THE LORD his or her's T R U S T --- HE is THE ALL SUFFICIENT ONE --

What a Great God to have so loved us -
humbled by His Hand ----- passing-thru


Terry said...

Great verse here Passing-thru.
One I can surely use today...from Pilgrim pal Terry

passing-thru said...

Yes sister Terry --- imagine , this pilgrimage is leading us to THAT PLACE that has been prepared , days without end ---
Trust ON and IN HIM , will be praying for U and dad golden and tell Bernie to keep U away from the Strawberrys that David planted in your back yard

Terry said...

Oh was that the Pilgrim Pal David in the back yard this morning?
I wonder if he took that Bernie to Tim Hortons?
He must of because Bernie was all out of sorts today!!!..Pilgrim pal Terry