Monday, June 18, 2007

prayer request

Hi all, I'm new at this - hoping I'm doing this correctly!

I just created my first blog - woo,hoo - not sure I have much to say but time will tell.
I'm here to ask for your prayers. I need to find a new church home; after 7 years in my current church I have come to see that the pastor isn't being totally biblical in his teachings. Unfortunately, many people have left and I do find that sad - I have felt like I'm being unfaithful and have been accused of trying to find a perfect church - of which none exists of course. It's not a perfect church I'm seeking but rather an imperfect church where Christians are allowed, even encouraged to be real about everyday struggles. I am visiting a few evangelical/pentecostal churches in my city. But often when Sunday rolls around I just decide it's to difficult seaching for a new home, so I roll over and go to sleep. Thanks so much for your prayers. I know God is leading me through this valley.
Julie (Little missionary)


David Warren Fisher said...

Julie: Thanks for your 1st post, Julie! Glad you are a part of this pilgrim pals fellowship. Let me know where you live and I may be able to help.

'Til then we will be praying!

Be encouraged!


Julie said...

Trust me...there will always be people who will try to "discourage" you from moving in the direction you feel God leading you in. Ask God to show you where He wants you and He will! I hope you find a church soon...there is never a perfect church, but you will find the church that will help you grow in your walk of faith.

Gee...if you happened to be in the Peterborough area, I know a great Pentecostal church you could attend!! :0)

passing-thru said...

Yes, julie (little missionary) - it seems to come upon many Christians to have to "uproot" at times to get fed the "living waters" --

keeping U in prayer ----------

these "good" folks in Pilgrim Pals will definitely be a help

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Julie Little Missionary! I remember what it was like when I was little and my parents went from church to church, searching for the right was tough. I look forward to hearing where you live...

the little Pigrim Pal