Tuesday, July 8, 2008


The Secret
The Secret to All of this that "we" adhere to is --------- The Word , for HE shows us, instructs us, inspires us, admonishes us. HE showed us our beginnings and has shown us how it ends. HIS WORD is CHRIST HIMSELF and HIS APPLICATION IS THE HOLY SPIRIT working in us which is pleasing to GOD -- Let us be children of the Word , washed in the Blood, being sanctified by the Spirit and put on a glad countenance of joy for we serve A GOOD MASTER ---------

your friend passing-thru ----

1 comment:

Terry said...

Thanks Passing-thru
What a great way to start the day!

I am on my way to take Mom Golden to the doctors.
Have a good day all you pals and Goldwings.....Love Terry