Dear Pilgrim Pals:
Please pray for Mike Fisher tonight that, win or lose, he will have a powerful testimony amongst his teammates.
I can't even imagine how disappointing it will be if the Sens lose.
Thanks for your overwhelming support of Mike, my dear brothers and sisters.
Standing together for the sake of the gospel,
David & all his Pilgrim Pals
Hat off to U , brother David --- for above ALL things, your focus is that Mike is a good Witness ---
Yes, that is the main thing Pilgrim David.
That your boy will be a shining testimony, win or lose, just like his uncle is a shining testimony to all of us!!
Even though I don't know how to "get in", at least I can comment!!
I don't like to see a Fish blog with so many 0 comments!
It just might take me a while to get caught up though!!...from PP Terry
David, my heart goes out to all those guys on the team...they played their hearts out, and they really beat a lot of odds to get to play for the cup!
Please tell Mike that I am praying for him and the team...I know it must be soooo hard to lose when you're so close, but I'm also praying like you that he will be a strong witness to the others.
Now even though I'm a HUGE Steve Downie fan (and I'm hoping he makes it to the NHL) I am also now a HUGE Mike Fisher fan...it's nice to see someone not afraid to share his faith...who knows the kind of impact he has had on people just in this playoff series?
Thankfully, there are many positives that the Sens can look to in helping them get through their loss!
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