Thursday, June 14, 2007

Prayer Request From Hebrews 11:1

I have another prayer request for you.
I have a neighbor who recently divorced and has two children.
I gave her a book called God's Promises for Mother's today".
I know she's been going through a hard time,but she won' talk with me much about it..besides that she sees her adorable kids as a burden rather than a blessing. Please pray that her eyes will be opened to God when she reads this book, and that I shall be able to give her a Bible soon.Her mom is a JW which makes things a little difficult sometimes, considering her parents live downstairs from her.
The kids are having a tough time too.besides that its their birthdays now.
Oh and lesser important, I'm having a tough time too.
I don't think I'll ever get over him leaving like he did..and I always miss him......from lil pilgrim pal.


passing-thru said...

I just posted Thankyou and seen your request -- I don't have solutions , I find myself weak in faith sometimes too --- but like U , lil pilgrim , we both know , the answer is Leaning wholly on GOD - for all of us, we will pray for this neighbor - and for U, and even now, praying for your heartache , THE BALM OF GILEAD - grant OH GOD , this touching of your servant and help her --

Felisol said...

Dear Hebrew 11.1
I'm still lifting you up in front of the Lord. He sees and he will answer. What a fine person you are to see the need of the little ones. You doing that, means a big difference to the children and in time hopefully to te wounded mother too.
His eyes are on the sparrow, and I know he watches you, just now!

Anonymous said...

Now I just got teary-eyed seeing that Mrs. Shirkie --such a fine, kind Pilgrim Pal--posted this, and these refreshing comments posted here, too. I wasn't able to check out the blogs yesterday, but I was on the computer. My sister is working on a Photo DVD and she is using a song from my neighbor's CD...o all songs it is her son's favorite, and it is in his dad's mother tongue --what more can I say? I worked with my sister on the DVD on Wednesday night before writing Mrs. Shirkie of my prayer request...I was having hard time, and for one time in my life, put on the headphones, and turned up the volume till I got over yesterday I played the song again just to do it...and here I am doing it again. I don't know how to get over this, I just want to see him back again next door, clan from drugs, carrying his little daughter in his arms, walking with his son, helpin his wife, whistling...he had such a cheery whistle, and always whistled outdoors. We saw him last Saturday (yes, my younger siblings go nuts when they see him, they miss him so) when he came to pick up the kids. He looked so at home as he unloaded the car with my neighbor, and re-loaded it with toys, etc. For a moment they stoof side by side at his trunk, and I caught my breath--what a sight I've missed. The only thing lacking was his smile. She looked at ease, but he looked tense. After all she forgave him before he filed for divorce. He hung around for awhile in the backyard with her while the little ones waited in the car...I wish he would have stayed longer. I still haven't said a word to im since he left as he ove off with a screech down the street over 6 months ago. Not that I've gotten the chance to, I haven't seen him in person, and last Sat. was really the first time I'd seen him frm the window other than a flash as he dives down the street with the kids in the back. Now I guess I'm just rambling, but o I ever feel better after letting it out. The song has ended, but I might just pay it again till I can sing it by heart...eve if it's in Italian.