Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Struggle

A quick post for friend's near & dear - no matter the blessing or answers to prayer, this struggle continues , I find that satan continues to depress or discourage those who would bend their knee to God - A great concert to the Lord last nite is a blessing but still today , the battle rages, Terry to continue to hope in God for needs so dear / for brother David and Carol for days ahead, myself for employment - for the cancers out there , for loved ones --- how did the old timers do it ? they endured -- Heb. 11:1 -- yes, we will believe God and we will overcome, by the Blood of the Lamb and by His promise of never leaving us and showing us that GOD cares DEEPLY for each and every one of us --------------- let us persevere , brothers and sisters - and believe me , many times I say these things and doubts press on me almost instantly - but where can we turn , how many times have we seen God work ! ---- but the flesh is weak --

pressing on while passing-thru


Terry said...

Dear Passing-Thru and David and Carol, I am praying for your needs, and I know that all the other pilgrim pals are too as well as so many who are not pilgrim pals!
Hebrews 11:1 is right!
We know, with God that all things are possible!...PP Terry

passing-thru said...

Yes on God ------- thx missionary Terry ---- my mom had a neck bypass like your dad needs - that was 17 years ago - she is 83 and needs to have some work tended to that by pass now -- praying for ALL needs the Lord brings to mind -yes , I am encouraged - The answer for me in en-route - already thanking HIM for it -- no false emotion here - The Word , simply followed and believed , thanks to God's faithfulness - also - thank the "others" that U have asked to pray -- pressing on -