Thursday, June 7, 2007


Dear Pilgrim Pals:

Greetings! It was so good to come after spending the afternoon at the ballpark in Toronto with Matthew's class and find some new posts on OUR Pilgrim Pals blog. It's OURS not mine so let's take advantage of that and share God's goodness and ask others to pray when there are needs.

So many friends have thanked me for introducing them to Mike Fisher through Pilgrim Scribblings. It has been a pleasure! I'll keep you updated during the off-season on how and what he is doing.

We need to lift each other up in prayer! Carol and I have some serious decisions to make in the near future regarding financial matters. We both may need to find additional jobs and set ministry aside for a while at least. It breaks my heart to even discuss this but we need to be realistic. Living by faith has been stressful and, sad to say, has been very difficult over the last five years in particular.

God is faithful and I will continue to shout that from the housetops. Let's bear one another's burdens, dear pilgrim pals, and thus fulfil the law of Christ.

Keep posting, keep praying and keep perservering. We are on the winning side and like one of my favorite Southern Gospel songs declares, "He will champion my tomorrows!"

Thanking God for your partnership!



passing-thru said...

ThankYOU ----- for sharing - we will pray HIS GUIDANCE -, any detours are still ordered by the LORD , ARE THEY NOT ? - Mueller, said , even when his wife died , his daughter died and his 2nd wife died, " I kiss the HAND that smites me --" FAITH IN HIS GOODNESS and I shout with U , David - we will pray , detour or no , GOD'S WAY IS PERFECT --

passing-thru said...

Paul spoke and lived of "faith" and yet mended tents when "detours" came along - the message didn't change - in fact-- the message became stronger - faithful messenger that U and Carol have been and are --- standing with U and praying ------

Terry said...

Dear David...It is pleasure to have this little oasis to come too.
Sure I know that we can ask for prayer and all but it is also so good to read some of the posts that contain special messages and to read the comments of fellow pilgrims is always a joy!...from Pilgrim Terry

Rosemary Welch said...

Hello David. This is Rosemary from way back. Gosh, back in 2004! Just stopping by to let you know that I'm bringing my blogroll back onto my front page. I still have your URL, and I will be placing you under "Christians" if you ever wish to find it. God bless you, and have fun with your games. (I'm a football fan myself. I do have every sport's URL on my site however. lol)

Anonymous said...

Yahoo!!! I just came on here to catch up after feelingso down with not having regular computer time for the past few days, and I see I can now comment here! Thank you so much, Mr. Fisher! I hated being "locked-out"...hey, I'm not in a striking union :) (For those who don't know, my family computer has crashed or something, and I only have net service on my dd's laptop now, which I can rarely use.)
This blog is so beautiful and such a great idea! love having all these prayer requests in one spot. I think it helps all of us Pilgrim Pals grow closer to the Lord and encourage each other in our walk with Him.

Since I am unable to post directly on here, I am going to list my prayer requests right here:

One is for my neighbor's granddaughter who is in the hospital with anorexia. She has been in and out for a few months now. They keep her for 5 wks., she's out for a week or two, and then she refuses to eatwhile out, so she goes back in. She is 17, and here in QC that is her sr. year, but it looks like she has missed too much time to graduate. Her dad calls himself an atheist (he is Jewish, and as we all say, indifferent but not atheistic), and her mom is Catholic, but does not practice. Her parents have been divorced since she was very young, and her little brother had Hodgkins at 5, but has snce recovered. All that to say she has had a very difficult nd unstable life, with no religious upbringing at all. My prayer is that the poor girl wil cry out to God in her heart, and that someone will tell her about him. Also that her parents and brother will call out to God, and turn to Him. I told her brother in March when she was in the hop. that I was praying for her, and he very emotionally thanked me. We have spoken to him more than once about the Lord, and given him an article with two local football players' testimony, but we rarely get time alone with those two without their dad or grandma. And we can't visit the poo girl in the hop. either, because her dad does not like too many people knowing about the whole thing, or knowing too many details. Thank you in advance for your prayers.

the little Pilgrim Pal "Hebrews 11:1"