Saturday, August 25, 2007


FELISOL is down with pneumonia today --- LETS BRING HER TO THE LORD "PALS"


Terry said...

I am praying for my Felisol.
Just to think that she has called this illness a blessing from the Lord!
What a girl!!...Love Terry

Felisol said...

Dear passing-thru,
my pneumonia has been treated one week with garlic, eoght days with Apocillin and now I'm in for ten days with Dalacin.
I'm sleeping alot and actually not in severe pains, they are durable.
Not much strength though, and that's when I do and say things that I shouldn't.
I get impatient of not being able to do what I want and I don't like myself for acting like that.
When I read of and pray for all the other Pilgrims, my little problems are zero.
I would much appreciate some mentioning to God if he could help me managing my tongue and mind.
"He who can steer his tongue is stronger than one who conquer a whole town," my father used to recite to me.
I thank God for this opportunity to share failures as well as learing from the written word.
God bless you all.
Felisol On The Far Side Of The Sea

Felisol said...

Dear Terry,
we are on the same site at the same time.
Was your day a good one?? I hope so. I am so happy for all your congratulants!!
I am more like tthe b word than you'll ever know.
I am sure that I needed this pneumonia to get rid of some stress and all that follows when one tries to overachieve.
I can see God's finger there.
I do not like myself when I am beiing impatient.
I guess he's trying to teach me a lesson that I am not so willing to learn.
P.S. Serina finished her antibiotic cure yesterday and is doing just fine. She's sending me messages like "God looves you, like it or not!"
Is that not cute.
I will always miss her, but when she's happy nothing else matters.
God bless you, my Canadian sister.
Yours Felisol

Anonymous said...

Felisol --- we are all sinners saved by grace and we will always have that potential to live in the "flesh" so we "die" daily as paul said - "There is therefore NO condemnation to them that live in the Spirit " so as U allow the Lord to work , HE WILL --- HIS PROMISE TO US - its not easy , specially when tired and hurting - Lord Bless

Vicki said...

Praying, as I've known how miserable pneumonia can be....Lord, hear our prayer for sister Felisol and grant her rest, healing, and recovery.

Amen to what Passing-thru said. When we're sick, especially, we tend to say things we wouldn't say if we were well. God loves you. Rest in His grace, sweet sister.

Terry said...

You will never be the b word again Felisol.
You are our friend and sister on the far side of the sea!!Love Terry