Tuesday, August 14, 2007

FREE BOOK...Did I Get Your Attention?

It's good to see a post about Carol Kent's excellent book, WHEN I LAY MY ISAAC DOWN. The Pilgrim (David) has three (3) hardcover copies of this book and I will send them out to the first three PILGRIM PALS who write me (by snail mail) and request their copy.

To make things fair and even, the FREE BOOKS will go to the first Canadian and the first two Americans who write. The Canadian letters would arrive first due to the proximity. Anyhow, that's the deal. Please write to:

David Fisher
c/o Epistle Sports Ministries
294 Rink Street - Suite 101
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 2K2

The books will be in the mail as soon as I receive your request. No strings attached. Honest!

P. S. I'm hard up for mail so I revert to these incentives. Just kidding. Please write!

For more on Carol Kent and her books, check out my friend Cindy Swanson's post on her blog, Notes in the Key of Life.


Saija said...

*chuckling* ... what a cool thing to do ...

i'll go check Cindy's site to see what she has to say ...


Anonymous said...

You have me laughing, too!

Hey, you should not be hard-pressed for mail! I send you a letter about every month! That's better than I am for my best friend...who's birthday card from May is still by my bed SOMEWHERE in that mess! And I am SO far behind on my letter-writing for encouragement, too.

Please announce who the winners are...and I hope that Canadian Pal does not use XpressPost, or he/she will probably be spending more on shipping than the book is worth! :)

May God bless you richly,
Lil Pilgrim Pal

Pilot Mom said...

What a cool thought, David! Thank you for getting the book into the hands of people who can benefit from it.

Now I'm going to begin her other one called "A New Kind of Normal."

Laura said...

Ohh I own this book and it is excellent!

Vicki said...

Now THAT'S a great book, I hear!
Even if I don't win, I'll send you some mail.

susanwalkergirl said...

Carol Kent also has a follow up book to "When I Lay My Isaac Down"...called "A New Kind of Normal". A wonderful women...open and transparent who is learning to trust God each day and each step.

susanwalkergirl said...

David...not to bend the rules...but I think Miss Terry should get one of those books.

Anonymous said...

I second that one, Miss Bunts!

Lil PIlgrim Pal