Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Going out the door shortly - Psalms 61 and especially 62 declares God to be our ROCK . Let us begin our day LOOKING to the Author and Sustainer of our Faith, our Dependable ONE , our Friend - our GOD -- let us hate sin today, not even entertaining any of the world's standards, as Claire says , our God is a Holy God and sin ruined His creation and cost Heaven the Most Costly Treasure, so because We have been Redeemed , let us live Holy Lives unto the Lord ---
Remember Julie at 11 oclock interview -- and all our sick , and let us espouse to solid doctrine and let our light so shine before men ------------David , we are praying daily for U and Carol , take courage and God has not left U for one second --------- passing-thru

1 comment:

susanwalkergirl said...

Amen, amen and amen. May we be ever mindful of the cost of sin. Not only to each of us personally but mostly to God and our Savior who bore the penalty of our sin in His body on the cross. May we not take it lightly nor ever give the impression that it's okay or not serious. May we be aware of our actions and how they influence others in the body of Christ and whether our lives will draw others to Christ or leave them with no desire to know our Jesus.

Wonderful post Passing Thru Bob. How is the job?