Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Home from work, tired and reading the posts and then the comments -- ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW -- the devil may be working but so are the PILGRIM PALS -- energised by the HOLY SPIRIT , the pals rally , pray , quote scripture and the tide of darkness is pushed back once more --- AWESOME -- like days of old , Claire, Donna, Vickie , Terry, Heb , Prayinsensfan, Julies , the dynamic duo, Jel , Lauren Mary, Lauren-mae , Felisol even though feeling weak, declares God will come thru -- Arlene and Heather, Saija, fighting the good fight , yes at times we get wounded, fall to one knee, but another comes to assist, helps lift the wounded saint, echoes from behind , calling out to us to continue on - we are behind U, shout saints from across the land -- The Holy Spirit is rustling in the mulberry trees -- WHAT A BLOG SITE THIS IS - FULL OF FAITH - remember brethren, it is a battle, there will be times we feel down, but look how we survived so far --- David is hooked up with hoses , QUITE A SITE , EH ! DAVID -- and yet God's pilgrims are praying for the lost , battling darkness , quoting scripture -- PRAISE THE LORD ---



David Warren Fisher said...

Well spoken (or written), dear brother! You echo my sentiments exactly.

Something good and godly is happening on PILGRIM PALS. Wow! And to think this project almost died before being launched. Whew!

Thanks, dear friends, for making this site such a blessing to each of us. We just need to expand our fellowship of PALS and put Bob (passing-thru) to the test. Could he remember all the requests if we had 12 more pals? I'm sure he could!

Press onward and upward, dear ones.

Still hooked to the hose but...
giving thanks anyway,


Anonymous said...

I am off to work...keeping everyone in thought and prayer...
good night pilgrim pals...


passing-thru said...

Nite Donna - thx for being with us - and Vickie has been showing up too -- Lisa J, we are waiting , lol -- and David , whats with the hoses , EH ! what a summer U and Carol have been thru -- am sure the nites have been long in searching out God's heart and will for your life ---

and I agree on Pals -- this is a unique Christian site --- ONE PURPOSE ONLY , GLORIFY THE LORD AND BUILD THE CHURCH, and be a witness to the world ---

Anonymous said...

12 more Pals?! I am so selfish and like this close-knit small group! :) Okay, let us grow and bless others...continue to do good to others, especially those who are of the household of faith (Galatians 6:10).


I was just having so much fun soaking up scripture as I searched for a verse I needed to use...sometimes I get so lost in the Word, I don't want to close the Bible!

God bless you all,
Lil Pilgrim Pal

Anonymous said...

Thats a good thing Heb, to get so lost in the WORD

A very good thing indeed

Vicki said...

Praising God tonight with all of you.

The Lord is showing me that this little group of faithful folks is indeed an answer to my own prayers. I'll 'plain later:-)

g'nite, friends.