Friday, August 17, 2007


Whew! I just e-mailed my article to SPORTS SPECTRUM magazine! In spite of my sickness I was able to finish off the story by the deadline and submit it. Now we just have to pray that it is accepted.

Anyhow, it's done and I can relax. It will be in the November/December issue of the magazine and I pray that God will be glorified and Christ exalted. Thanks for your prayers!

~ David
P. S. Check out SPORTS SPECTRUM'S web site@


Vicki said...

Well, praise the Lord! It's always hard trying to focus when we're sick. I'm glad to know His grace enabled you.

passing-thru said...

Congratulations and lets pray that it is accepted -- now a week of relaxation ----

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!

I hope your health is steadily improvong, too. If you ever think of my family, please pray for my dad whose ankle is VERY swollen and hurts terribly. He was given a prescription for his elbow's bursistis, but the dr, didn't see much wrong with his foot. It is bothering the poor guy so bad, and his appt. with the dr. is on Monday!

God bless you
LIl Pilgrim pal