Sunday, August 5, 2007


Terry, we are keeping U in prayer, we know U been working hard helping your Mom and Dad
DONNA - we trust ALL went well with the Wedding -- NOW GET SOME REST :-)
Arlene and Heather -- before the Throne we are praying
Felisol -- for Gunnar and for Sigve's family we pray ------
Saija , for U and Leo to have a good day and week -- Claire and Jim -- awaiting the Pilot's return
Heb for healing - Julie for her new job --Lil Missionary for God to grant the desire's of her heart
David and Carol --- daily we pray -- May His Way become clear -



Felisol said...

Dear Passing through and Pilgrim Pals,
Sigve was welcomed in Heaven this Sunday morning, Norwegian time.
I thank all prayers for helping him on the road. He was so ready to leave the last couple of days.
Hope some can find time to help praying for Liv. She loved her husband so highly, and is of course exhausted by now.
I'm also concerned about my dear friend Terry. She is the kind of person who is willing to carry everyone's burdens, but never breathe a word about her own needs.
She has been hurt by her painful falll, and must be overworked by now. Let's lift her up to the Lord in prayer. I am being selfish, I need her to be in my spiritual life.
Yours Felisol "On The Far Side Of The Sea."

passing-thru said...

Yes Felisol we remember Sigve and his family -- Terry is ok now Felisol -- just a little tired plus I believe her email has been acting up --- your friendship to her is as important as hers is to U