Monday, August 20, 2007


In HIM is yea and yea and Amen -- There is no happenchance with GOD - Every movement from the Hand of God is pre-determined, without flaw or error. From calling Noah for a flood that would happen 120 years later, to Imprisoning Joseph for the saving of His chosen people - The man born blind so that the Glory of God might be shown , The woman who touched the hem of HIS garment - The missionary journeys of Paul, all put together by the Master Navigator , The Holy Spirit . The trials and beatings and imprisoning of Paul all were of Divine purpose and Paul states in Acts 26:18 is the sum total of the New Testament.This is not to say if U slip on a stair there is Divine purpose in that, but The promises of God in the Word and workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives we can be assured that there are no mistakes or errors in our lives as we journey with God here on earth.Which leaves us with this thought, we are to Thank and Praise God for in Him is not nay but YEA and His Promises are to be held tightly , regardless of what "things look like" We bring honor and glory to God by doing this.



Terry said...

Dear Passing-thru..
I know you are right about this that things happen for a reason and the timing is of God.
Mom and Dad are getting co-operation from the land lady now.
She is going to have the holes in the apartment fixed.
Also, my Felisol has been praying for the landlady and just this morning the landlady said "Good morning Mrs. Golden" to Mom so I guess she must of felt guilty saying those cruel things about mom that she would be glad to get rid of "you people" referring to mom and dad and the visiting children!
Felisol is so loving but I could not at that time see myself praying for that lady but now I will...From Terry

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT ----- FELISOL IS ON THE RIGHT TRACK ! prayer changes things - its GOD'S WAY ---- GOOD FOR U FELISOL -- lead by example --even to the saint's who have been in the "Way" for so many years , we need to DO THE WORD --- of course its not easy when people "hurt" the ones closest to us .. GOOD FOR U TERRY -- pray for that landlady -- EXCELLENT

Vicki said...

Oh, how encouraging this post is! Thank you for sharing these lovely reminders of God's faithfulness to bring His purposes to pass in our lives (even when we don't understand what we see with our eyes).

Terry, that's another marvelous testimony to the mighty-working power of the Holy Spirit when we seek Him and let Him work things out. Wow. How much more are we to pray for our enemies? (It's certainly hard to pray for someone who's hurt us. One of my sisters hurt me a few months ago when she called me a fake Christian and didn't believe my husband had an aneurysm. Whoa! I was mortified but knew to start praying for her because my own attitude towards her needed to change. You all might add some prayers to that effect)

Thanks, friends.