Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Remember Carol in Toronto today -- Julie's leg -- Heb dad condition - David continued healing - Felisol's heart ache for Serina leaving for school and for Gunnar to be touched - Vicki's bronchitis and for her husband - Claire's Jim for continued healing - Arlene and Heather , they're struggle with cancer its treatments , pray for their spirit's to stay strong , lets really remember them two - Saija for daily strength and for God to work miraculously in her husbands life -- Donna, for her life's mate and for her daughter Jennifer, a trusting Christian lady that can use God's touch in her life -- for that request here earlier from Laura-mae for this Kathy , she is affecting the office and Laura-mae possibly - that God can touch that office staff -- for our Lil M , that God will reach down and love her and let her know that HE is still on the Throne , -

"PRAY ALWAYS" "IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS " sorry if I forgot many names or needs --- aah yes , Dad Golden salvation and for their home to be back to normal -- and yes have we forgotten how God blessed Terry -- thru prayers and support of "pals" --
ps. if U think I am always upbeat and positive and strong , I'm not, I am a weak Christian compared to most , but there is no other way but to Trust and Obey .
Lord Bless and now its time to pray for my lead man at work and bend my knee and heart for this day's adventure !



Terry said...

Dear Passing-thru..You may feel that you are "a weak Christian compared to most" but you are a strong praying one!
What would Pilgrim Pals do without your prayers and without your prayer lists?...from Pilgrim pal Terry

Vicki said...

Ah, but it's when we are weakest, that He is strongest IN us, amen?

I sure enjoy your uplifting, God-soaked posts here. Praying for you, Passing-thru, and all the Pilgrim Pals this afternoon. Haven't felt like blogging lately but it's during these times when I can best devote myself to prayer.

May the Lord God of Hosts reach down and touch each and every heart here today and fill you with His goodness, mercy, and love as we encourage one another to fight the good fight. The battle is His and we're girded with the gospel!

God bless you, precious people.

passing-thru said...

Thanks Terry and Vicki

That ole saying of Deep waters run still - so its not always in the blogging or the many words but the faithfulness and prayerfulness of God's children ---------

Vicki said...
