Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Strength and Hope

Good morning, dear ones! I had a good night's rest. Didn't get all tangled up with my intravenous tube. God truly gave me "songs in the night". Now I'm up and preparing to go home for another intravenous treatment. The nurse is scheduled to arrive at 9:30 a.m. We'll see.

Running through my mind this morning as I write this post is the phrase, "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow". That's what is ours as redeemed children of God. Nobody can take that away. I'm rejoicing in the truths expressed by Thomas Chisholm in his great hymn, Great Is Thy Faithfulness.

Sing it with me today, dear Pilgrim Pals:

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.


Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

Hallelujah! We DO have blessings that cannot be numbered!

Have a good and godly day!

~ David

NOTE: Special thanks to our beloved friend SAIJA for this excellent photo! We love you, dear one!


Saija said...

"strength for the day and bright hope for tomorrow" ... is my little morning phrase too ...

so glad you had a good sleep! that will help for the "strength for the day" part ...

"Lord, bless David and his family ... encourage his heart - as he continues to encourage the hearts of many others ... may health and wealth increase ... you are the Giver of all things good ... may your goodness towards the Fisher family abound ... in Jesus name ... "

David Warren Fisher said...

Thanks so much, Saija!

10,000 blessings and more,


Anonymous said...

Oh, I like this hymn a lot! I remember one day when I was about 13, I was rather tired, and lay down on the floor of our "office"room-- a place I always escaped to. While I lay there I heard what sounded like a heavenly choir singing, "Great is Thy Faithulness"! It was amazing! It didn't last mre than a few minutes, but it brightened my day!

Lil Pilgrim Pal

Felisol said...

Dear David,
I am so happy for you, that you at least have had one good day and ditto night.
I find it wonderful that you can PRAISE the Lord midst in your ongoing trials.
The stazas "strength for the day and hope for tomorrow" must have been writtten for me, this very day.
I don't feel neither srong nor hopeful this very moment.
Actually, I should be thankful if anyone would help me out in prayer.
Our one and very dear child Serina is supposed to leave home for a year and attend to a Folk-high-school (Norweigian term) to study journalsitics and photo, travel a lot and live on capmus with other sudents 2 days journey from home.
This year was meant to be a reward for her enduring several hardships and completing the most demanding line on high school.
Serina choose her self a Christian School where there are common devotional meetings every morning prior to the ordinary teaching, compulsoty devine service every Sunday, drugs, tobacco and alcohol forbidden and even more Christian activities like choir e.t.c. that I would love for her to be a part of.
Wee, this Monday her streptococc infection sruck again, along with reactive arthritis inflamation. She is now in bed with fever on and on a batttery on medication.
I have to hope for a wonder within Saturday, that's when we have to set off for the school.
I feel its so important that she should be rooted in Christ before setting out on further education on bigger universities.
She have both saved and non-believer as friends now, and I of course treat them all alike and their welcome in our home, but
I strongly do feel she need this year.
Would anyone help me pray the Almighty help Serina on the way??

Pilot Mom said...

Felisol, I am so sorry to hear Serina is sick again! You can rest assure that I am covering her in prayer, as well as Gunnar and you!

I do believe that satan is a little too alive and well on planet earth. It is so obvious that he desires to attack anyone associated with Piligram Pals.

My prayers this morning have been for a thorny hedge of protection around each of us so his barbs cannot reach us to do any damage.

Vicki said...

Ah, yes...I just sang that beautiful hymn out loud in my croaky bronchitis voice, but it sure blesses me. Praising God for "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow." That's one of my favorites lines to recall. These older hymns express a richness in truth that I love to sing and hear.

Great is His faithfulness, David, to you, and all His children.