Thursday, September 6, 2007


Adi and I wish you a very special and happy birthday,

So does Amber wish you a very special and happy birthday!

Adi and Amber are my granddog and grandcat. Adi lives with us, Amber lives with her mother. That is why Amber was not going for the ride in the golf cart with me.


Sometimes Adi and Amber visit Mrs. Shirkie, she knows them very well. Amber also loves to watch TV with Mrs. Shirkie. While they are doing that, Adi takes herself a little nap.

Listen, Nathan, you have a very special birthday today. And may God bless you and grant you many more happy birthdays.

Adi, Amber, and I also wish you many more happy birthdays as well.

Now here is a little TEXAS HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG for you. Little Pilgrim Pal taught this to me, it is a special song.

A Happy Birthday to you,
A Happy Birthday to you!
May you feel Jesus near
Every day of the year!
A Happy Birthday to you,
A Happy Birthday to you, Nathan!
And the best year you’ve ever had!

From Adi, Amber, and Jim


Terry said...

Hey Singing Telegram Man
Did that Lil pilgrim of ours finally teach you to sing?
Sounding very good here in Ontario!!

Who is looking after the two grand kids while you and Mrs. Jim go off gallivanting again?

One more time Nathan..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!..Love Mrs. Shirkie

Felisol said...

Happy Birthday, once more Nathan,
I found this little poem to share with you.

Happiness keeps You Sweet,

Trials keep You Strong,

Sorrows keep You Human,

Failures keeps You Humble,

Success keeps You Glowing,

But Only God keeps You Going!

From Felisol

Pilgrim Pals said...

So sweet to find all these well-wishes here. God bless little Nathan, and thank God for all the rest of you praying saints!

Anonymous said...

Texas birthday song...what would my friends say if they knew how we are spreading it all over?! We just love that song, and I am goign to have to find you an audio version online, Mr. Jim.