Saturday, September 1, 2007

September Sessions

Well, dear pals, September is here, believe it or not! Four more months 'til Christmas and the year-end.

Our SEPTMEBER SESSIONS here on PALS are going to be so significant spiritually and historically that they've already created a movie and a soundtrack to commemorate what's going to happen (see the graphic).

I'm calling these next four months THE FINAL FOUR...but it will be different than the NCAA Basketball Finals. THE FINAL FOUR months of 2007 will be very significant time in the life of the PILGRIM as we wait to see what God's going to do with the FISHER family and EPISTLE SPORTS MINISTRIES.

We are trusting Him for great things during THE FINAL FOUR. Let's pray together for a mighty move of God's Spirit in our own lives, in the corporate life of PILGRIM PALS and in His church throughout the world.

May the SEPTEMBER SESSIONS be landmark times when we see God do His work through His broken but redeemed people...US.

Have a good and godly weekend, dear ones!


~ David


Anonymous said...

Well --- another miracle -- What do U think , David ? -- what path does the Lord lead this pilgrim -- It's not as easy as A B C when walking the "faith" pathway -- or any road following the Lord -- reminds me of E Stanley Jones book , The Christ of Every Road ? I think , lol -- or even Bunyan, in prison, his wife , alone ,needing and how that must have tore at his heart but in prison he stayed for he would not stop preaching the word -- Look how God blessed after so many years , - not easy to know brother David --- GREAT NEWS FOR U and we continue to pray for guidance and deliverance as we do for ALL THE PALS ---- your friend , Bob

Anonymous said...

Let's just wait and see, Mr. Fisher...this is really exciting!

Praying BIG,